Athamaru psychic 1 | Spd 20' Swim 25' | AC 16 | hp 15/15 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +5 | Perc +3 | Amp | Rank1
About Koi Polloi
A tall, lithe, pearly athamaru with bright orange splotches. It wears a coral-red and yellow striped toga with a ribbon-cut skirt that flounces like a fishtail; yet this athamaru's true caudal fin trails behind its head. Image
Koi Polloi was raised in the Babelfish tradition to become an emissary at one of the trade spires (pinnacle reefs) of Eastern Xidao, in Tian Xia. Polloi trained further as a Pathfinder Society Member at the Lantern Lodge's Three Gates Lodge branch on the island of Kayajima northwest of Minkai. Koi Polloi joined the Envoy Alliance faction within the PFS to specialize in languages. Despite being a member of the Envoy Alliance faction, Polloi does not value the lives of Pathfinder Society members over others, and will help anyone seeking to improve collaboration.
Koi Polloi will use the "Book of Translation" (level 2) Pathfinder Society object (25gp) provided to Envoy Alliance members. Currently carrying the Alghollthu language. The Necril language was learned to deal with the creatures issuing forth from the Aya-Maru trench.
HP 15/15, AC 16, Fortitude +4, Reflex +6, Will +5, Perception +3 (low-light vision)
Heritage: Kaleidoscopic, Ancestry: Athamaru. Heritage Feat: ↺Dazzle Seeker. Background: Translator.
Class: Psychic, Conscious Mind: Silent Whisper, Unconscious Mind: Wandering Reverie.
Resources: 2 Amp (focus) points, 1 rank-1 spell slot.
Class Feats: ◇Unleash Psyche, ◆Fade into Daydreams.
Ampable Psi Cantrips: ◆◆Daze, ◆◆Forbidden Thought, ◆Message.
Regular Cantrips: ↺Eat Fire, ◆◆Phase Bolt, ◆◆Know the Way.
Rank 1 spells: ↺Lose the Path, ◆◆Mindlink.
Refocuses by translating words into all languages using Message to speak with itself. If stupefied then random words are spoken out loud.
Gear: Explorer's clothing, Adventurer's backpack, 6 sparklers & formula, dancer's spear (+3 hit non-proficient but finesse; 1d6 damage; Versatile B; Sweep; Backswing), healer's toolkit in belt pouches. 2gp. 2/10 bulk.
Reactions ↺ Dazzle SeekerWhen making a concealed flat check, make two and choose best. ↺ Cantrip:Eat FireWhen attacked by fire, use this cantrip ↺ 1:Lose the PathWhen a dangerous opponent moves towards you, disturb their Stride. ↺ Aid Level 2: ↺ Counter Thought
Level 4: ↺ 2:Lose the Path
Botting Instructions:
Round 1 Deadly incoming non-mindless melee threat within 30’ range?◆◆Psi Cantrip:Forbidden Thought with Amp (resist Strike, Step/Stride or Cast a Spell)
Non-mindless melee threat within 30’ range but not in melee?◆◆Psi Cantrip:Forbidden Thought
Physical target within 30’ range but not in melee?◆◆Cantrip:Phase Bolt
Can safely close to 30’ range?◆Step or◆Stride, then finish with an action listed above Desperately need concealment/defence?◆Interact (Swap one hand to sparkler)/◆Interact (Activate & ignite)/↺Eat Fire
Non-mindless deadly threat within 120’r?◆◆Psi Cantrip:Daze with Amp
Non-mindless threat within 120’r?◆◆Psi Cantrip:Daze
Round 1, third action (or remaining actions if the actions listed above were not valid) Did you just use a sparkler, is it a good time to release a smoke cloud for concealment?◆Belch
No spell cast yet, with an ally within 120’ who is in dangerous location or needs to advance? Psi Cantrip:Message with Amp (ally offered reaction to Step|Stride)
No spell cast yet?◆Psi Cantrip:Message (merely to cast a spell)
Observed a hidden enemy?◆Point Out
Can get into better position, or adjacent to dangerous threat?◆Step or◆Stride
Can assist ally with their primary goal, not already Aiding?◆Aid (and subsequently↺Aid)
Desperately need to understand creature encountered?◆Recall Knowledge (Society|Scribe Lore|Athamaru Lore|Nature|Occult)
Enemy in striking distance, did not strike yet this turn?◆Strike
Enough actions for a second strike?◆Sweep/◆Backswing
Rounds 2 and 3 Was a spell cast last round, and psyche not yet released?◇Unleash Psyche
Not currently concealed, and Psyche is Unleashed?◆Fade into Daydreams
Need to flee?◆Stride
Remaining action(s) consider all Round 1 options, skipping options needing more than the remaining actions
Rounds 4 and 5 (assumes Unleash Psyche expired thus stupefied 1) Observed a hidden enemy?◆Point Out
Can get into reach melee position?◆Step or ◆Stride
Can assist ally with their primary goal?◆Aid (and subsequently↺Aid)
Desperately need to understand creature encountered?◆Recall Knowledge (Society|Scribe Lore|Athamaru Lore|Nature|Occult)
Non-mindless enemy beyond 30’ away?◆◆C:Daze+ (may fail due to stupefied 1) Enemy in striking distance, did not strike yet this turn?◆Strike
Enough actions for a second strike?◆Sweep/◆Backswing
Level 2 Add options to◆Bon Mot
Level 3 Add Round 1◆◆2:Invisibility
Add Round 1 Enemy is a strong spellcaster◆◆2:Stupefy
Level 4 Add Round 1◆Message+Amp/◇Psi Strikes/◆Strike/◆Strike … also insert◆Distracting Performance to set one ally as “hidden”