Quick context. My party is purposefully playing Wrath of the Righteous as 'scoundrels with hearts of gold' rather than proper crusaders. We started our game in the Waller slum and ended up in the crusade to have crimes pardoned.
Keeping with that trope, the party is sure they'll be blamed somehow for destroying the Wardstone line when they used the Rod of Cancellation on the Wardstone fragment in Kenabres. (And saved everyone and became mythic...) They're afraid of 'The Man' and want to run ahead to get work done and prove themselves more, and left Irabeth, Aravashinal, Anevia, etc behind to speak highly of them to the Queen and set up a future successful meeting together.
They're basically running ahead to Drezen without the official start to Book 2
That brings up the question of how to introduce the three NPCs Queen Galfrey normally orders to go with the party.
Current plan:
Modify Wardstone Patrol (the PFS scenario). The party heads to the farming town north of Kenabres on the path Irabeth directed them to Drezen. Rescues Aron (and other farmers). Instead of the scenario going on to a fort and rescuing their lost crusaders, have Aron ask for help going after captives from the farming village. Including his love, Sosiel. Have Nurah among the crusaders the party rescues, and one who insists on coming with them after being useful in the fight.
It feels good for setting up Aron and Sosiel, but Nurah feels a bit like an 'also-ran' in this scenario. Good enough to be worth sharing in case anyone else out there needs the idea.
Thoughts? Opinions? Ways to improve? Better introduction opportunities I might not have thought of?