KobunFan's page

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Ilkash wrote:
So Szuriel is on the cover but she doesn't get a mythic monster statblock? Damn.

If you ever need a version of her to fight, you could get one of those avatar statblocks and paste in Legendary prof for every type of stat. It would still only be like fighting a pinkie toe but it would be something.

You think any of this book will be dedicated to the litanies and oaths that the Champion remaster left out?

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UVAtom wrote:
So I’ve looked for this info online and can’t seem to find it. Apologies if this is the wrong forum for this. But those subclasses that were not reprinted in this book or Player Core 1, are there any plans to reprint them in the future? Things like arcane trickster rogue, or the genie and nymph sorcerer bloodlines.

So, I'm pretty sure the eldritch trickster can't come back because that's a D&D name.

As for the genie and nymph bloodlines, those have been expanded to be elemental and fey. The original thinking was that bloodlines had to be exactly that: blood relations. However, the newer ideas of sorcerer is that as long as you have magic in your blood, somehow, you can be a sorcerer, whether that be because of a family blessing/curse, living in a land full of magic, or, yes, being a blood relation.

Every time I attempt to access the cart, this error message pops up: "You’ve reached this page due to an error on paizo.com. The web team has been notified and are working to fix the issue"

I deleted the cookies for paizo.com and that allowed me to view the cart as long as I wasn't signed in but as soon as I signed in, the problem reasserted itself.