Ratfolk Elder

Knon Shex's page

4 posts. Alias of PixelsAreGod.

About Knon Shex

Male Ratfolk Tactician 2
LG Small Humanoid (Ratfolk)
Init +7; Senses Perception +8, Darkvision 60 ft
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +3 dex, +1 size)
hp 20 (FCB)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4
Speed 20 ft.

Melee Kukri +2 (1d3-1/18-20) or Sap +1 (1d4 nonlethal)

Ranged mwk Light Crossbow +6 (1d6/19-20)
Str 9, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 12
Traits Civilized, Honey-Tongued
Feats Improved Initiative
Skills (9 points; 4 class, 3 INT, 2 Background) Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Knowledge(local) +9, Linguistics +8, Perception +8, Profession(Barrister) +6, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +8, Use Magic Device +9
ACP -1

Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Infernal

Special Abilities:

Rodent Empathy
Coordinated Strike +1, 6/day
Spirit of Many


Power Points/Day: 9
0th Conceal Thoughts, Distract, Unearthly Terror

1st Entangling Debris, Skills as One


Mwk Chain Shirt, mwk Kukri, Sap, mwk Light Crossbow, Bolts(20), Silver Holy Symbol of Abadar, Alchemist’s Fire(2)

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-33 lb. Medium 34-67 lb. Heavy 68-100 lb.
Current Load Carried 0 lb.

Money 39 GP 0 SP 0 CP


The ratfolk of Korvosa were never known to be upper class, but Knon’s family was about as close as it got. His father managed to start his own trade company, finding enough investors to fund caravans traveling across Cheliax. Eventually he chose to sell the name of the company, living the majority of his life in “retirement.”
His father’s success caused him, and his family, to become worshipers of Abadar, where Knon was raised to respect the rule of law and the society that protected it. Knon could see simply by the corruption in the city that without the influence of the guards and leadership, everything would fall into chaos.
Knon was given a simple education, but it was more than what most had. He began to take an interest in legal matters, resolving to become a barrister in the Korvosa courts. It was around this time Knon began to notice oddities in himself. He began to experience moments of being outside himself, free from independent thought. As he experimented with these abilities, he began to invoke a minor ability to control the world around him with his mind alone.
But Knon never focused on it. While it was an oddity, Knon was interrupted by the introduction of Nubbles Shex, another ratfolk that came into Korvosa looking for her fortune. Knon was smitten in an instant, in love with her wit and inability to give up on anything. After a year for Knon to finish his education to become a lawyer, the two decided to marry.
The times grew more difficult as Knon found little work, and not wanting to rely on his father’s wealth. When his daughter was born, Knon realized he had to find an alternative method of making money, turning instead to the guard. While not officially a member, his knowledge of the laws of Korvosa made him more appealing than mercenary thugs. Of course, his lack of combat experience made most of his jobs tracking down tax evaders or petty thieves, involving little violence. To make up for this, Knon began to exercise his psychic potential, using the strength of his mind to supplement his efforts.
The news of the king’s death had incited many of the Korvosa’s populace to anger with the rise of Queen Ileosa, including Knon’s wife. Managing to convince her to stay at home for her own safety, Knon was disappointed to find himself asked by the guard to assist in managing the riots - an extra hand was always needed. But the pay was well enough, and so Knon went along, hoping to make sure no trouble was to be had.

Appearance and Personality:

Knon is a gray-furred ratfolk, carrying a small hole on his ear and a scar on his left brow. His fur is smooth and has a bit of a gleam to it when he stands in the sun, to which he finds dashing. He prefers the color red, usually highlighting on his armor. He has an earring from his wife, plated in gold with a ruby embedded in it. His actions seem exaggerated, perhaps from some kind of boundless excitement, or too often used to people not quite understanding exactly what he is saying.

Knon prides himself on being empathetic and sociable, not understanding how other races focus so much on themselves. He prefers guile and flattery in conversation, not much for being heavy-handed, which is too often taken for non-assertiveness by his peers. Logical and realistic, Knon prefers the safest option, even if the returns are slim. In what spare time he has, he stays with his family, assisting his wife in raising their child Fef.

leinathan Questions:

1. See Appearance and Personality
2. Knon has been working for the guard between what few legal cases he can find, and has signed up to help in the handling the riots for a bit of pay.
3. Knon has lived in Korvosa all his life, for lack of better option to be had.
4. Knon’s abilities have always been latent, a natural gift he had for psionic power. However, his lack of use of his talents have left them underdeveloped. His inability to maintain a stable Collective has left him without using the full potential of his abilities. While he is a natural strategist and leader, he has never filled such a role before.
5. While Knon is a trained lawyer, not many people wish to have a ratfolk representing them. Thus, Knon resorts to doing work for the Korvosa guard to make ends meet.
6. Knon is a worshipper of Abadar, finding the god’s tenets to be constructive to society and to the benefit of people. Knon frequents the church regularly, but does not engross himself in the devotion many of the clergy have.
7. Knon finds Korvosa to be his home, and while it is certainly rough around the edges, he believes it can be a shining example of what cities should be. Korvosa is more simply where he lives and finds work as well. Avoiding interruption to the daily norm makes life easy.
8. Knon has always followed the rule of the law, but equally knows its difficulties.Knon never supports injustice, and wishes to expose whatever corruption he finds. Knon refuses to kill others in cold blood. While it is impossible to protect all of the innocent, it is an ideal Knon aspires for.
9. Knon has no formal code.
10. While Knon’s father is very wealthy, Knon refuses to take any money from his father, believing it would be a circumvention of his improvements to reach personal success. Knon is able to afford a decent living standard for his family but worries of the stability of his income, which is too reliant on what is available.

What excites you the most about your character?:

I enjoy that Knon has more to protect than himself - not exactly the stereotypical orphaned hero. Having to struggle with the relations of the factions of Korvosa as well as his personal ones is going to be fun, especially if one ends up fracturing the other. And just from a small knowledge of the campaign, I know the plot turns against Illeosa… which will be fun for a worshipper of Abadar.

Also, it’s not every day you get to use psionics, so getting to build one was a lot of fun. Playing, even better!