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The problem is how does it work the other way around?

- same check to defeat the barrier, 8 dex or disable
- your character has dex d8 and disable d8+2
- He has an ally in his hand that gives d10 to a dexterity-based check
- He also has a blessing that gives two dice to a dexterity check.

(My understanding is that both wordings are used, please correct me if I'm wrong.)

I would think that he can either roll disable as d8+d10+2 or dexterity as 3d8, but not a combined disable of 3d8+d10+2. This would explain the different language used. But I haven't found a definite statement in the rules, and I do not think there has been an official confirmation for that.

Vic Wertz, Paizo's CTO, has the final word on rule calls. Mike Selinker is the designer of the game, but he has recused himself from making officially official rule calls, because he has several different versions of the game in his head at any given time, but when he posts something, it has definitely more weight then when a shmuck like me does ;) Chad Brown is also one of the developers for the PACG. Those are the people I know of :)

I was just posting my own thread about this, but I guess one is enough ;)

(reference to BGG-thread)

My take is that he cannot; he "does not have the melee skill, and there is no weapon played that could add the melee trait, otherwise he could not replace the die. It is a dexterity combat check with no further traits (assuming the power is not upgraded and no further cards are played). Melee does not mean "any attack that is not ranged", it is a specific keyword added to the attack." (quoted myself from the thread)

While I feel confident in this assessment, I wanted to ask for official clarification to make sure that that is the intent.