Knightsfyre |

I'm hoping you can help me.
This morning I ordered four PDFs from the Paizo store, including the PDF for the Pathfinder rules-compatible version of "The Lost City of Barakus" (from Frog God Games), which was featured in the latest "This Week at Paizo" weekly store newsletter.
At least, I thought I'd ordered the Pathfinder version.
Turns out that of the two hyperlinks to the product included in the e-mail newsletter, the first one (which I clicked, thinking they were the same) points to the older D20 version of the material here, while the second hyperlink points to the new Pathfinder-compatible version here. As I was in a bit of a rush to get ready for work, I didn't notice the difference in the links.
The products were added immediately to My Downloads and I saved a copy of each from there to my hard drive before heading to work; I only had the opportunity to open the PDFs once I got home this evening, and realized immediately that the "Lost City of Barakus" PDF I received was not for the version I thought I had ordered. The other three PDFS ordered at the same time are absolutely correct and fine.
I'm wondering if there is any way to correct this and make the Pathfinder-compatible version of the product available to me instead. I do acknowledge that the error is mine, for not checking the link carefully enough.
Both product versions indicate the identical price for the PDFs ($19.99), so there should not be a price differential.
I used my credit card for the transaction and, as noted, ordered three other PDFs in the same transaction. Will that have any impact on your ability to make the change, if that is even possible at this point?