
KnightFever's page

Organized Play Member. 335 posts (1,010 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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So Cold The Night

The Communards

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Let It Live


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The James Bond Theme

The John Barry Seven And Orchestra

Grand Lodge

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Female Human Sorcerer 4/barbarian 2, hp 54/54, AC 20 (T 14, FF 20), Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5, Perc. +6, Init. +3

"The eagle man had to alert the other brigands anyway and they are surely waiting for us," the Kellid says. "If they see us coming they will shoot at us. Are you still able to conjure a mist like you did before?" she asks Ackuda. "It could help us against the arrows."

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Ain't Messin 'Round

Gary Clark Jr.