Kjob's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 227 posts (432 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.
Players of my WotR game...
This is a thread to use for any rolling you'd like to have "officially" done.
I am building a Naga Aspirant Druid for a home game. Originally I was just going to take the Serpent domain, but my GM has given me the leniency to create a Naga Domain. I keep trying to come up with fun abilities, using the Serpent and Skalykind as inspiration, but I realize I am entirely too bias.
I was curious if anyone had any ideas or anything they'd be willing to share? Doesn't have to be related to the aforementioned domains at all, just...seemingly balanced, I suppose!
Looking for a few players that want to get in on a Rise of the Runelord game I'm going to start running soon (as early as this Sunday if I can get the interest up). Probably be a once a month type of thing.
We're a bunch of mid 20 to 30 year olds. We mostly play in Redmond and North Seattle.
We're a couple late 20-ish guys (3 in total) looking for 2 or so more players for a Star Wars Saga game. We typically play in North Seattle on Sundays.
We also plan on playing some PFS and other DnD related games.
I was playing an aftercon game in of the rooms and we found that someone had left the the box top to some Forgotten Realms: The North game. I figure something like this might be really important to someone, so I thought I'd pick it up rather than let hotel staff throw it out.
I'm a local kid, so let me know how I can best get this back into your hands (if you want it).
If you have any clue who the box top belongs to, please forward this along to them---thanks!

So I'm looking to build a wizard for a campaign, and I found the bloat mage---which I thought could be really fun to play, but after some preliminary research, the consensus seems to be that it's dangerous to play the bloat mage. I just want the mechanics clarified:
At lvl 1 I get 1 Blood Point, each day when preparing spells, my blood pool is refilled up to my class level. I can spend this 1 point for an extra spell, seemingly consequence free. I can "bloat" to get more blood point, netting me 1d4 blood points. Using this ability seems to be silly at lvl 1 since if I roll anything but a 1 I go into a murderous rage, dangerous at lvl 2, and OK at lvl 3.
Additionally, whenever I take "bleed" damage, I lose a blood point.
Ok, so I feel like with careful management, I can keep myself safe, I just won't bloat, when it is possible for me to fly into the murderous rage, is it that simple?
I realize there are other drawbacks (max dex/skill/speed penalties) but am I missing something bigger that makes the PrC unplayable (or at least ill-advised) for a player?

Not sure if this an answerable question or the appropriate forum (apologies if it isn't) but Paizo customer service has always been so awesome! I'm trying to find a store near that carries the Gamemastery Item Cards: essential deck. I know I can order it online (and will if I have to!) but my 7 and 9 yr old cousins unexpectantly took an interest in Pathfinder last night and want to play some more tonight and tomorrow, Im trying to pick up the item cards for tonight or tomorrow as I think it'll help hook them in. I've tried Uncles games, Ernies, and Games and Gizmos and they all either don't carry them or are sold out.
My question is this, are there any other stores in the Redmond/Bellevue/woodinville area where I might be able to pick a set of these up by tonight or tomorrow? I can the footwork to see if they still have them, but Im out of ideas to see who would have been distributed them in the first place!
Anyway, even if you can't help, thanks for bringing my family a little closer through imagination and games, Paizo!
Anyone have any advice on stuff to buy for someone who is just starting to DM? I have the (awesome) Paizo Screen, a handful of PC-type mini's, and dice, obviously. Is there some sort of cheap starter pack of minis for all those random mooks you meet?
Ive always (meaning for the past year) played with friends where I could mooch, but now Im hoping to start hosting my own games with strangers at a game store...
Advice is appreciated, thanks!
Uncle's Games at Redmond Town Center has "RPG Day" from 1-5 on Sundays, nothing formal going on there, but I'd like to try and get a PFS thing going there every Sunday. Really short notice as I just found out about it, but Ill probably be sitting there this Sunday in an effort to DM a scenario from 12-5 (although Ill absolutely have to leave at 5 this week). If you're interested, please email me at cdtslider at gmail dot com. Hopefully I can recruit some people while Im there, although honestly I have no clue how to go about that...
The scenario will be Mists of Mwangi.
Im going to ask the store to advertise PFS for next week as well, hopefully it will take off!
Yes, I know Planar Shepherd was pretty broken, but I also love the flavor. That said, Im wondering if anyone out there has a "fixed" Planar Shepherd that would work in a Pathfinder game, or at least any recommendations or advice on fixing the Planar Shepherd? I know the first step is to remove time as a planar trait granted by planar bubble, beyond that Im not sure.
Just moved back to the area (Redmond, specifically), and looking for a Pathfinder gaming group I can get in on. Adventure paths, PFS, etc...

When building my lvl 8 Alchemist, I felt like this character was supposed to be an extremely versatile character that could fit whatever role was needed depending on what the scenario dictated. That said, once I actually played the class, I found the Alchemist somewhat lacking and ineffectual. Problems I had: although the poison would imply that the character should be somewhat melee focused, the alchemist is only proficient in simple weapons. Giving the class some martial weapons (similar to a rogue's) would not imbalance the class, I dont think.
Relying on bombs felt somewhat...ineffective. I wish there was a way to improve a bomb focused alchemist's ability with thrown weapons (larger range increments, OR just trying to hit the square's touch AC, instead of a specific character's). I, honestly, was very disappointed with how FEW decisions I had to make when designing my character. I wish the Alchemist would get less "static" abilities, like the poison stuff, and instead just make more discovery choices (so, adjust a lot of the abilities all alchemist gain to discoveries they can make at more regular intervals, every even level like a rogue sounds right to me).
The biggest issue I had was that, the bomb ability aside, I didnt feel like the Alchemist was any better of an Alchemist than a player would be. Sure, you get an increased Craft: Alchemy check, but that wasnt that significant of a benefit---with the exception of a random skill check, I felt like that benefit was more flavor than anything. One option is to have the alchemical devices (alchemist's fire, tanglefoot bags, etc) work better than a regular PCs stuff.
The option I much prefer, though, is to grant the Alchemist more versatility. The option I like is to give the Alchemist an ability similar to the Pathfinder Chronicler's Deep Pockets. There are definitely cases where the ability to spend a full-round action to find a tanglefoot bag could change the game, and these are the cases that would justify bringing an alchemist over other classes, in my opinion.

I know a lot of these ideas have already been stated, but here's my impression of the class after play testing a bit.
I love how customizable the class is, the curses are excellent for flavor and are mechanically very interesting. I think some (specifically deafness) needs a little bit more clarification because the actual condition of being deaf as a curse brings unique problems as per the deaf condition in the book (basically, that you can become accustomed to being deaf which may offset the initiative/perception penalties).
I really liked revelations, as well, as it added even MORE choices to how I wanted my Oracle to work. That said, I really would like to see a lot of the once per day (with more at 5 and later levels) altered so that they could be used more. I realize this means some power levels would have to be affected, but I feel like if you can only use something once per day, it needs to be a game changer (or solve a significant problem) and I just do not feel that way about the revelations.
I do not think Oracle needs the delayed casting progression. The cleric spell list, particularly at lower levels, does not have the game changers that the Sorc/Wiz list does. On the subject of spells, I think it'd be nice if the Oracle had some more known---a simple way to fix this (in my opinion) is move the bonus spells back two levels. A flame oracle, for example, would then get produce flame at first level and resist energy at third. This, obviously, only works if the delayed spellcasting is eliminated.
Another minor problem I have are the revelations that provide a melee touch attach that does damage. In my opinion I'd like to see these as a ranged touch attack as the Oracle is only allowed to be in light armor which, to me, means it probably shouldn't be in melee too often (unless the Battle Focus is taken, obviously).
I love the idea of an Oracle, but honestly if I was playing in a campaign and was filling the "Divine" roll, I feel a Cleric fills that roll significantly better, to the point that there's virtually no incentive to taking an Oracle (beyond the interesting flavor of the curses).
I've found some real gems within the obscure vaults of Netflix's Instant Queue..I've also found some terrible stinkers...
Just curious if anyone out there can recommend some of the odd gems they've found within the deep recesses of Netflix!
Does the dex bonus to damage from the Dervish Dance feat (which allows you to apply your dex bonus to attack rolls/dmg rolls with a scimitar) apply to Flame Blade's damage (which is treated like a scimitar, but does not get strength bonus to damage due to it being immaterial)?
Hey there,
Played my first scenario this past weekend in DnD using the Paizo beta rules, and must admit I loved it! Don't know anyone relatively local that plays, though, and was wondering if there are any groups out there that'd be willing to take me on as a new member?
I'm most "familiar" with Paizo's beta, but can probably learn 3.5 or 4e pretty quickly.