Leaf Leshy

Kittenological's page

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the Dude, the Big Lebowski strikes me as CN.

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Why do I feel like I'm the only one who keeps usable scrolls of really circumstantial spells rather than spending the time and resources to scribe it onto the spellbook?

I mean, who the heck prepares a Control Weather? I'd much rather have a scroll of one than have one sitting in my spellbook doing absolutely nothing. Well, other than feeling like I've made a huge collection of trading cards... I mean spells.

So in my experience, I found I spend just as much on scrolls whether I be a sorcerer, a wizard or even a druid. Well, especially as a divine caster because you can't keep a spell slot open and prepare it on the fly. And that, these scrolls really add up to making any character highly versatile much more so than its paper stats would indicate.

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I HATE not being able to wear metal armours with my druid. HATE IT!!!!

You can kill all the animals both beautiful and wild, wearing their rotting hide for protection. You can also go off chopping down all the trees you see, to char and twist and fashion them into mockeries of nature for your own personal protection.

But whenu mine ores and craft ingots out of solid ground, hurting no living thing, melt it down and craft metallic armor and the moment you put it on, you're no longer a druid.

Druid Logic: you can wear stuff as long as something died to craft it.

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the way I view Mythics is that rather than changing the character in any fundamental way, it represents the strongly ingrained destiny of the character. This is the thing I really like about Mythic path vs. Epic. Epic characters are already extremely powerful beings... that just get more powerful. There's no sense of wonder, there's just endless optimising and hack-n'-slashing.

Think of a Mythic fighter as Hercules, or Theseus on their Day One. You get to start from grounds-up, following a hero's journey from the very beginning. And we all know that this journey is not like any other... because in the character sheet itself, he is DESTINED to become a champion!

You'll get to fight not epic force dragons or demiliches but Mythic Lions and Boars, wrestling the most extraordinary versions of mundane creatures that themselves are of Mythical proportions.

That 'Greek Mythology' feel, is what gets me excited about Mythic Adventures.

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naw, the only downside of playing as a dwarf is roleplaying tha accent.

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It can save a lot of headache to rule that the druid is automatically 'familiar' with the animals of her homeland. When she wants to wildshape into something new, then she can do some knowledge (nature) check to see if she's familiar enough not to screw up.

I mean, it's not like every sorcerer needs to role-play every single spell she newly gains. There's just not enough time to cater for all that in my experience :(