Kitsune1317's page

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rkotitan wrote:

I made a ton of maps for this and downloaded even more. Some of these aren't my work but I'm going to throw them all into a google docs folder and share them. I believe that the majority of these were made by Angelrobe and I downloaded them for my game. I made maps for Scarwall but I never made maps for book 6.

CoTCT Maps

I believe I did a map at one point for the Deathhead Vault but it lost to time. I hope that these help.

All the praise to the person who made all the original maps for the first four books in those folders.

EDIT: I should note that some of my Scarwall maps are quite large and some creative use of crop in a basic image editor. I also added the maps I made for book 6. I hope they help someone.

Also, I'm very much an amateur. You can clearly tell the difference between my low rent maps and Angelrobe's work. :)


I am just starting a Crimson Throne game and looking for maps I came across this post, but your link is empty. There are no links in any of the books.

Are you still willing to share them?