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Kithik's page

Organized Play Member. 28 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Grand Lodge

Thank you so much Katine, ive emailed the details as requested. and good to know for the future Papa.

Grand Lodge

I understand that customer service is probably under the gun with the sale and all, but a response to this would be appreciated, even if its just to say your looking into it.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just placed this order, but unfortunately forgot to update my shipping address as I've moved since the last time I placed one. Is there a way to update the shipping address, or should I cancel and reorder?

Grand Lodge

Master Tyrannosaur,

I have a rules question, but if you'd prefer not to answer it, and instead refer me to the rules forum, I understand. Its regarding the climatic encounter at the end of the Skinsaw Murders, vs Xaneesha. Xaneesha has the lamia matriarch supernatural ability to cause wisdom drain with a touch attack. She also has the Vital Strike feat. Would you say these abilities can be used in conjunction? Im currently dming Runelords, I've all ready ran the encounter, and i ruled that she could vital strike with her wisdom drain, and afterwards my players expressed concern at the ruling. Im revisiting the ruing for future reference, and would appreciate your incite.

Also, I just started watching True Detective, or as I've started calling t, CSI: Innsmouth more or less on your recommendation. Thats a damn fine show. Besides Game of Thrones (Im already current), any other recommendations

Grand Lodge

Master Tyrannosaur,

my girlfriend just showed me this music video, and it screams to me Nidal in a game. Thoughts? And show Wes as well if you get the chance,I think he may like it.


Grand Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
uriel222 wrote:

What iconics will you be using in the upcoming Alkenstar AP?


Clint, Roland, Milla, and Ash.

Roland from the Dark Tower, and Ash from Army of Darkness. But im not sure I get the other two. Or am I just dense?

Grand Lodge

So a player in the Runelords game im about to start wants to be part of a magical School, and use the benefits and such from Inner Sea Magic. Ive agreed to Stat up Turnaradoc Academy using those rules. Ive got a few ideas, like giving the character access to the secrets the headmaster keeps in the locked basement, and maybe the ability to borrow some equipment, but that seems a touch generic. So I'm crowd sourcing. Any ideas about hot to convert the flavor of the school into function for the character? When I have a final draft, Ill post it here so anyone else can use it or tweak it as they like. Oh, and if James Jacobs would honor me with a idea or two, that would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!!

Grand Lodge

Master Tyrannasaur,

A few humble inquiries,

Would Erastil under any circumstances accept an a female adventuring cleric? Adventuring in general seems to be considered a sometimes necessary evil, but especially a priestess who leaves her home behind seems somewhat against the faith, but I have a player in a upcoming Kingmaker game who wants to make that concept work. Any advice for her?

I'm greatly anticipating the RotR hardcover, but had some concerns about the the disjointed nature of the 3rd and 4th chapters. It seems you've just got done clearing out Ft Rannick, the games afoot with this Mokmurian chap, and suddenly your called upon to return home forthwith to deal with the rumors of giants. Wouldnt Deverin and Belor look to Magnamar for help? Could we get a bit more connective tissue between these story beats, or is it to late in the game for that?

Have you ever watched Denver the Last Dinosaur, or Dinosaucers, or Jim Hennsons Dinosaurs, and if so, did you enjoy them at all?

Im aware of your disinterest in superhero comics, favoring horror instead. Have you ever read Preacher by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon. That book molded my morality in a very real way, and Ill soon be getting my favorite line of the whole 67 issue affair tattooed on myself, and it seems a shame for someone i respect so much to have never heard of it.

What planet in Golarions solar system would you be the most interested in exploring, should you have the opportunity.

Likewise what plane of the great beyond?

Im planning on playing a cleric of Desna in a game where the other players, while my friends, seem to thing of the "pansy fairy goddess" as trivial and silly, no matter what i say in her defense. Any ideas on how to extol how awesome she is?

Overall you come off as intelligent and thoughtful, but when you do show your sence of humor, its dry and witty. Is there any room for slapstick and silly in your life?

Thanks for any answers, and thanks for the literally hours and hours ive been entertained by you and your compatriots, both here on this thread, and the games we play. Your efforts are never in vain.

Grand Lodge

logic_poet wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
brent norton wrote:
Could we ever see "Rod of the Seven Parts" type of Adventure? Find the pieces save the world?
Probably. Not a Rod of Seven Parts though, since that's not open content.

How about the Runelords stave? A stave with 7 magical gems each representing one of the sin magics of the Runelords. Each powerful but when combined with the stave... :)

Technically that wouldn't be a rod of seven parts but a staff of eight parts. :)

Neither of which really fits in well to a 6 part Adventure Path model. :-)
OTOH, there is a certain three-part book that's Runelord-related...

I feel dumb for missing the reference. Little help? ::goes back to lurking::

Grand Lodge

GeraintElberion wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Dryder wrote:
Wohoo - would you mind giving us a hint on what the 10th AP will be about?! It's time anyway... :)
Actually... it's not quite time yet. The right time to make this announcement is Paizocon! :-)
Don't pretend you haven't dropped hints; I've seen them with my own eyes!

Really now. I'm usually pretty swift on the uptake about things like that, (think I may have been the first person on the boards to call out the reference to the Whispering Tyrant reference way back in Crown of the Kobold King) but I apparently missed this one. Care to drop a link? Thanks!

Grand Lodge

I've been running Crimson Throne for a few weeks now, and I've been going out of my way to get the party good and integrated into Korvosa. And now I'm in a position to throw some very fun monkey-wrenches their way, but I'm not sure how exactly to go about it. They're all third level, and about to go after the queens scapegoat. The rundown of part members, and the issues involved are:

Axel, Human Paladin, a young and somewhat brash son of one of the foremost armorers employed by the Korvosan Guard, he was visited in dreams by a nameless force calling him to defend the people and the city. He has no idea what this force really is. The player, a good friend and somewhat of an eccentric, wants his character to be working for something the calls "The Algorithm," effectively a sentient mathematical equation, something he himself incorporates into his own spiritual beliefs (such as they are). Hes described this as "a law beyond all laws" and other rhetoric to that effect. This screams Abadar to me, but he seemed unhappy with that prognosis. Maybe some kind of "after-image" of Aroden? I know hes dead as a doornail, but would it be interesting if a part of Arodens divine energy took up space inside a young man from Korvosa, calling him to be better then he would have been to begin with? (I'm thinking something along the lines of Garth Ennis's Preacher here, specifically in the depiction of the Genesis entity.) The flip side is, the Hellknights have taken notice of him, specifically of the golden aura of clockwork gears he emits when using his detect evil and smites and so on. I'm thinking of having a schism within the Order of the Nail, some who think hes consorting with fell powers, some who think hes channeling the power of the Godclaw.

Wow that was a lot of text.

The second is issue is more complicated. But before I go on, does anyone want to hear it, or am i typing to thin air? (It involves the relationship between a young summoner, the Headmaster Toff of the Acadamy, the summoners best friend, and fiendish possession.)

Anyone care?

Grand Lodge

Lucha libre, Silat and, dammit, whats that one called, the one based on the I-Ching . . .pakua?

Grand Lodge

So I was rereading the the Rise of the Runelords Players Guide, prepping for running the campaign for possibly the fourth time. And I noticed references to Sandpoint having a museum that qualified it as something of a important local feature, along with the theater and the Old Light. But I can't seem to find any reference to it in the Sandpoint article in the back of Burnt Offerings. What gives?

Any insights on the characterization Of Titus Scarnetti? or any other of the Sandpoint luminaries?

Also, I think Ive been quietly internet stocking you for a few years, ever since Paizo wowed me with Shackled City, looking for small spoilers or interesting insights into how to up my game, or just neat details about Golarion. When I'm really bored and insomnia ridden, I occasionally read your livejournal. Am I giant creep?

Grand Lodge

You may want someone to pick up the mantle of Blackjack at the end. Maybe the bard. Just a thought.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Saint_Meerkat wrote:

I had a great time Saturday morning. Fabulous turnout, and really cool people! Elizabeth and Morgan were great hosts.

This Saturday: The Hydra's Fang Incident, PFS Scenario #2

Is an 11 AM "hard" start time for the adventure convenient for everyone? That would put finishing the adventure and beginning paperwork at 2:50 PM, and character creation at 10:30 AM.

I can run "Silent Tide" again Wednesday or Thursday night at 7PM if there are four people who want to play.

P.S. Also, I am planning on starting a Wednesday or Thursday night Pathfinder game. I am eager to run homebrew, Rise of the Runelords, or Legacy of Fire. Let me know if one of those combinations interests you.

Consider both myself and ldhummingbird interested in a Wednesday game, but let me see where my possible new employment takes me. Also Boston, aka Deuce, from the Saturday game said he'd be down, but he doesn't (yet) have an account on here, to my knowledge. My vote is for Rise of the Runelords, but as I've run some of it before, I understand if you'd prefer otherwise. I've just been really wanting to play through it since it first dropped. Not sure If I'll be able to make it this Saturday, but we shall see.

Grand Lodge 1/5

so we had, what? 14 people for our fist game? not a bad start.

Grand Lodge 1/5

I'm ' actually in the middle of West Knoxville, and the only knowledge of PF support I was aware of in the area was mine and one other group. The FLGS in the local mall has been very pro 4th ed, and while still friendly and the managers a nice guy, they've been sadly dismissive of PF, not ordering the books except, if I'm lucky, for me. I'm open to a 4th ed game, but its not what I'm interested in running. I'm ecstatic to see it's catching on, and will do anything I can to be there. Might have to ditch early for work, but we shall see. Please update this thread with whatever other info becomes pertinent. Thanks!!!

Grand Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
Lord Snow wrote:

good 'nuff fer me, laddie!

wait... if there is no good dragon in the LoF AP and the Council of Thieves AP outline, does that mean you guys already know what will the next AP be about and what key NPCs will we see there? thats nice...

I have an Adventure Path schedule that lists barebones plots all the way through to the end of 2012.

Kingmaker is the 6th, if i recall correctly. Mayhap a wise and noble gold has something to say about a incoming monarch of the river kingdoms?

Grand Lodge

Thanks, everyone. Definitely given me food for thought. The fire elemental background seems inspired,but almost seems to Cinderlandish to me.

Grand Lodge

So,for my own amusement, I've been stating up the iconics int the new system. I've gotten to Sorcerer,and was wondering if there was an "offcial" version of what Seoni's ancestry was. I'm leaning towards fey, or maybe destined, but I was wondering if anyone else had some insight, or mabe a word from the creators on the topic? ::puppy dog eyes::

Grand Lodge 1/5

Feedback greatly apreciated! Thanks!!

Horace al’ Xukif

I was born on the road to Okeno in Katapesh, 23 years ago, birthed to a mother traveling in a merchant caravan. Her name was Alz’ta, and was one of a small number of women and men kept by the Pasha Xukif’s Harem. She had been born into slavery after my parents had been captured by gnolls 15 years before. The pasha was fond of drunken couplings, and rarely worried about accidental pregnancies. If a girl was found pregnant, he simply had his holy man end the life of the mother. When she found herself with child, she did her best to hide it from the Pasha, and confided only in her closest friend, a fellow harem girl and slave, Izora. She kept the secret for some months, but finally betrayed her for a chance to gain the Pasha’s favor. Taken by a cold fury, my father had her first whipped, then inspected. When they found that She was nearly seven months along, he commanded the holy men to induce birth. My mother died with the promise that I would be raised to be the next Pasha , the next harem owner and slave lord, still ringing in her ears.
Raised a noble merchants son, I learned something of nobility, of economics, and of the vices of men. My father was not only a slave seller but a pesh dealer, as well as having his hands in several other unsavory dealings. I suppose I was exposed to at a young age what many would call inappropriate and poisonous things for children to see, let alone experience, but to me, these were the facts of everyday life. I tried pesh at eight, and was with a woman for the first time at thirteen, my fathers favorite, Izora. When I was fifteen, he put me in charge of the care of his slaves, teaching me a firm hand, and to see all those below me in station as expendable joys at best, and work animals at worst. Sometimes I would study faith and religion with the holymen, priests of Nogorber and Calistria. It seemed strange to me that wherever the caravan went, we would see the shrines and temples to the Dawnflower, Sarenrae, but never enter.
When I asked about the sun-faith, they scoffed, calling it a fool’s religion, and only good enough to be the empty faith of slaves. Curious, I in secret asked some of the slaves of this , and in-between confused looks and worried glances, told me to speak to one of the oldest of there number, Felton. When I asked the old man, he looked at me with gray eyes that seemed to sunder years of luxury and amorality, and said simply that they worshiped Sarenrae because she represented something unheard of to me until that moment: a life that they were meant to live, that had not been forced on them. He explained her justice, and her mercy, traits that I could not help but admire, but not see in myself. He explained her protection of the innocent, and I found myself thinking, for all my physical pleasures, this perfect being would not protect me, but would abhor who I was. Or perhaps, who I had been. Seeing his words affect me so, he told me that perhaps the thing that best pleased Her, that most would touch Her, was personal sacrifice. He hoped this, he said with a sigh, because he traveled with the band not because he was forced to, but because the other slaves needed a someone to put there faith in, and so he would minister to them as best he could. Pushing the sand aside, he revealed a wooden symbol of the Dawnflower, carved over the course of months long ago, and said simply that as he could never hope to defeat all the guards, he would not try to escape without all of the slaves, but would neither leave them here alone.
That one act of decency , of honor, may have changed the way I look at Golarion more then anything else. These were not animals, these men and woman we kept to be workers and playthings. These were people, and better people then I could ever hope to be.
That night, as my father and his guards slept , deeply under the influence of the newest and most potent shipment of pesh yet, I freed the slaves from there shackles, and bayed them slip off in the night. They ran quickly enough, save Felton, who explained that the sacrifice of the life I had known, in favor of a better life for those people, was perhaps just the act that could redeem me. He asked for me to come with him, to enter a shrine to Sarenrae for the first time, and perhaps in time, to take my place as one of her champions.
It has been eight long years, since that night in the desert. Felton is long dead, and I have just begun to try to fill the hole his absence leaves. Scimitar in hand, and ankh-angel held aloft, I shall spend the rest of my life doing what Felton did for me, redeeming those who know no better, and righting the wrongs that I can in Her name. In the North of Avistan, they call those of my calling Knights and Paladins, but I choose to think of myself simply as a master turned servant, knowing that sometimes all it takes is the right person in someone’s life to make the difference.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Are they allowed in PSOP? Unearthed Arcana or Campaign Setting? Sorry if this is a dumb question . . .

Grand Lodge

An intriguing name, found in the first few pages of D1, but I want more! What can the mighty Paizo gods tell us? What spell must I cast? Legend Lore? Commune? Divination?

Seriously, can anyone flesh out this threat from below? Is it a name for a dark god, or an actual political power? Come on, I'm sure I'm not the only one who picked up Kobold King and became curious. I Love these little snippets of the larger world, but they frustrate me to no end as well.

Grand Lodge

Does using the Sphere in the Kyuss fight strike anyone else as a very bad idea? Two Words: Dominate Monster. "Oh look, you have A SoA. ::Casts spell:: Oh, look. I have a minion with a SoA. Moo Hoo ha ha."

Grand Lodge

The extra minions idea is tempting, lord knows you cant have to many hobgoblins. (Or krotoa or what have you. My issue is that this tewnds to slow down combat. Also, I just like the idea of the big bads being on ther same essentiasl playing field as the pcs are, just strong enough to mmake it a good fight, and in a few cases downright scary. Take Drakthar, an underpowered vampire bugbear. On his own, intimidating, and quite trreicky to pindown, but he doesnt feel like he has enough oomph. At this pointin the game, my guys havent seen any real spellcasters to go up against, and I still want to make them uncertain of exactly what there up against. So I'm thinking a handful of levels in Warlock are apropriate, taking care to only take invocations that would make him more of a threat, but not overwhelming.

By the by my partys line up as of now:

Gunther Splintershield, LN Fighter2/Rogue3/Dwarf Paragon1, with the Dreamhaunted trait

Kareth, LNHalf-Orc Cleric3 (St. Cuthbert)/Fighter2/Black Dragon Bloodline1, Wyromblooded Trait

Valanar Tyrianos, NG Elf Wizard2/Druid3/Elf Paragon1, Noble Trait

Xalia, Exalted LG Monk3/Favored Soul3(Heronious), Demonscared trait

Melisande Arlintal, CG Bard3/Scout3 with the Scion of Surabar Trait


Grand Lodge

So after the better part of two months of effort, negotiating work schedules, school activities, spouse and children issues, where to play, all the usual problems of starting a game, I finally got enough people together to do Shackled City. I was going to have 6 players, then suddenly, before the first session, 2 had to drop. Ok, 4 players, in this rather difficult module, and I really didn’t want to take away from it to make it easier. So I opted for a gestalt game. Everyone reworked there characters, some seamlessly, some having to go back to the drawing board to make there new levels in scout make sense combined with bard. And then, almost last second, one of the dropouts comes back, hat in hand and says he’s good to go if I’ll have him back. So ok, 5 gestalt characters. Seems like that would be a little to much. . . .but what if I were to give the same treatment to the more important NPCs. The Stormblades, Jenya, all the various BBEGs. Sounded like a good idea. And now, having just defeated a Fighter3/Marshall3 version of Kazmojen, the parties really getting into it. But I'm curious, what would all of you do to the NPC's in a gestalted SCAP. Ill post my ideas later, but for now, I wanna see how evil these boards can get!

Grand Lodge

Chef's Slaad wrote:

Ah yes, here it is

Good luck with your game!

A thousand thanks!

Grand Lodge

Sometime ago, a poster did a spectacular job creating Maavu's tax riot speech. It was used to great effect in the game I ws pcing in, and was one of the highlights of the chapter. Now, I'm running SCAP for a different group of friends, and I was hoping I would be able to find the origianl speech. It's all the more entertaining that one of my PCs happens to be playing Maavu's daughter. So any chance anyone out there happens to know what I'm talking about? Could you please repost it? I, and my players, would be most grateful.