Kisuke Hitomi's page
35 posts. Organized Play character for Destrina.
Full Name |
Kisuke Hitomi |
Race |
Classes/Levels |
Gender |
LN Female Human (Tien) Ninja (Scout) 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC:17 (13T|14FF) | CMD:17 (14FF) | F: +1 R: +5 W: 0 | Init: +3, Perc: +3, SM: -1 |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
17 |
Alignment |
Lawful Neutral |
Deity |
Asmodeus |
Location |
Cheliax |
Languages |
Common, Tien |
Occupation |
Assassin |
Strength |
18 |
Dexterity |
16 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
8 |
Charisma |
14 |
About Kisuke Hitomi
Kisuke Hitomi
Female Human (Tian-Min) Ninja (Scout) 1
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +3
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cestus +4 (1d4+4/19-20) and
. . cestus +4 (1d4+4/19-20) and
. . dagger +4 (1d4+4/19-20) and
. . dagger +4 (1d4+4/19-20) and
. . kusarigama +2 (1d3+4/1d6+2)
Ranged shuriken +3 (1d2+4) and
. . sling +3 (1d4+4)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Two-weapon Fighting
Traits blade of the society, indomitable faith
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +6, Disable Device +5, Knowledge (local) +4, Linguistics +4, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +5, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Common, Infernal, Tien
SQ poison use
Combat Gear caltrops; Other Gear lamellar (leather) armor, cestus, cestus, dagger, dagger, kusarigama, shuriken (10), sling, sling bullets (20), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, chalk (10), flint and steel, grappling hook, mess kit, mirror, piton (10), pot, rope, soap, thieves' tools, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 11 gp, 3 sp
Special Abilities
Blade of the Society You gain a +1 trait bonus to damage rolls from sneak attacks.
Poison Use You do not risk poisoning yourself accidentally while poisoning a weapon.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
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