Kiriana Sunchild's page

Goblin Squad Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.



this is a wonderfull tool but is there any way to save this into a file ?

Goblin Squad Member

I'm sure a fine organization such as the your knights will come to find itself in situations where a healing hand is needed.(After we kill those worthless !¤&#&/#¤¤"/#!!!). For this I would like to offer my services and would be proud to call myself a Knight of the Crusader Road

Best Regards
Kiriana Sunchild

any news on the campaign calender?

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi my name is Lars and im a RPGoholic.

I opened my first D&D basic box at age 14 some 24 years ago and havent regreted it a minute since. Over the years I've gone from D&D over MiddleEarthRoleplaying, Warhammer, all 4 editions of Shadowrun, back to D&D 3.5 and now helplessly in love with Pathfinder.

I hope that Pathfinder Online will keep me addicted well into my 50's and put $100 in the pot in hopes of making it happen. Really looking forward to what Goblinworks/Piazo come up with and to meet you all online i a couple of years.

