
King o' Cthulhu's page

Organized Play Member. 143 posts (144 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Liberty's Edge

Hello there I have been play 3rd edition since the beginning then converted to 3.5 a couple months after the conversion. Mostly a player but I have DMed a couple of times. I have gotten a group consisting of three people besides myself, two women no replaying experience and one guy with limited role-playing experience.

I have all of the books I could ever need and all of the Adventure Paths by Paizo.

So I have a few questions:

What should I DM for them?
What classes should they play to cover all of the bases?
Any advice on what to read?
Any advice on how to DM?
Any advice in general?

Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

Liberty's Edge

Check this movie out

Liberty's Edge

22 dead
28 wounded
You have to be a major a** to take that much life

Liberty's Edge

What would happen to the city of Scuttlecove if you disbanded all of the evil factions?
Answerer: anarchy
But with all of the other factions gone will the Protectorate be able slowly take the city with all of their major enemies out of the way? And would it help if the Protectorate had the Scuttlecove Palace?

Liberty's Edge

Do the Monks of Dire Hunger have a leader? And if so what are his' or her's levels?

The whole cannibal monks leaders is very cool

Liberty's Edge

How do you make memorable villains?

And who or what was your most memorable villain.

Liberty's Edge

How do these guys sound for the Island of Dread.

Liberty's Edge

What's his aligament

Liberty's Edge

A friend and me have been arguing which is geeker Dungeons and Dragons or World of Warcraft. As you tell my opinion is WoW by the website I am talking on.

Please share your opinion.

Liberty's Edge

So we have had Shacked City, Age of Worms and Savage Tide. I have enjoyed all of the adventure paths especially Savage Tide and was wondering what people wanted for the next AP.

I thought of a desert-based campaign and instead of a demon or recently formed chaotic evil god how about a something a bit more lawful like an Arch Devil.

Liberty's Edge

Just read through City of Broken Idols and when I got to section 44 I was very interested. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about a Kopru city and what would be in the city.