KindredBrujah's page

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Markov Spiked Chain wrote:
I think it's clear that they're supposed to reset, and follow all of the other rules in the Alchemist section. If you think Investigators can hoard 2/day forever, that's probably better for Investigators, but also an insane position.

See 'infused' trait in the sidebar on Page 61.

Infused: An alchemical item with the infused trait has a limited time before it becomes inert. Any non-permanent effects from your infused alchemical items, with the exception of afflictions such as slow-acting poisons, end when you make your daily preparations again.

Quick Tincture:

This item has the infused trait

Edit: Hmm, I suppose this only strictly applies to the item created from Quick Tincture, and not to the Versatile Vials themselves.

This whole thing seems like it wants an errata anyway, for sure.

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The Ronyon wrote:
Can you get Quick Tincture on an Alchemist via Archtype?


Here's my thoughts on the matter (apologies for the necro):

Each alcoholic drink imbibed stays in your system for one hour. Multiple imbibed in that hour stack, and each previous drink ticks off after that hour.

Thus, with a Con of 12, I could have 3 drinks in hour 1 (reaching my max), then not drink during hour 2 (3 + 0 - 1 = 2), then have another two drinks in hour 3 (2 + 2 - 1 = 3).

This system means the Dwarf of Con 20 could not drink 11 drinks each hour, but 11 drinks in one hour then 1 every hour after; or 5 drinks one hour, 5 the next (5 + 5 - 1 = 9), 3 the next (9+ 3 - 1 = 11), then 1 every hour afterwards (11 + 1 - 1 = 11).

It also matches the ruling about being sickened, whereby every drink above your threshold causes you to be sickened for a number of hours equal to the excess drinks. So everything is in stacking hours.

The only thing missing is what you roll to avoid addiction/recover from being addicted. There's no DC in the basic rules. DC5, like in Skulls and Shackles? Add +2 for every drink you have in a given day? Roll the addiction just once a day? That could probably work.

Edit: Or maybe just the most drinks you had in your system at any one time? So if you drank enough to be sickened for two hours, then it would be your normal maximum capacity for drinks, and an extra two, so +10 (5 drinks * 2) to the save for my Con 12 character above.