Kimchi's page

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Hey all, could Skull in Shackles cards (and Rise of the Runelords) be all shoved together into the future game Wrath of the Righteous, to just have a massive 1500+ card game? Or would some cards not transfer over well? Did this work out for anyone with Rise of the Runelords into Skulls and Shackles?

Someones definitely asked this but I can't get the right search words :|

Ah I see. Awesome, thanks for such a quick and detailed response guys!

Hey all, had a situation last night where a friend encountered the villian. In another location, I was going to temporarily close it but I had to banish one of my good divine cards to do so, or else keep the game going. I ended up not doing it, but it brought up a question. What if I was to temporarily close with a requirement as banishing a divine card in my hand, but don't have a divine card in my hand?

I'd assume if I'm following the golden rules, and since it would be impossible to fulfill this criteria, I would ignore the text and temporarily close it. But I'm hoping to get clarification. Thanks in advance!