Kilsern's page

1 post. Alias of Clint Shulenski.


A short list of Authors I'd like to see, but first:

Thank You, thank you, for Hok the Mighty. I enjoyed it greatly and believe it is the best offering you have put out in many months.

More Manly Wade Wellman (please, please, please!)
More Kuttner
More C.L. Moore
More Leigh Brackett
Otis Kline's Peril novels
Karl Edward Wagner (Kane, I know his estate is not forthcoming)
David C. Smith (particularly his Oron books)
Gardner Fox (Kothar and Kyrik)
August Derleth
John Jakes (Brak the Barbarian)
Edmond Hamilton
E.E. Doc Smith
H. Rider Haggard
Burroughs' The Mucker and Return of the Mucker, The Moon Maid and his Carson Napier stories
Lin Carter's Thongor Books and the Man Who Loved Mars, plus his Gondwane novels would be great.

a book done well that collects stories from those in the Lovecraft Circle -- I know these are available, but done well and done right, perhaps with some obscure offering, well, I'd buy it

Please, no more Sojan the Swordsman, in his defense M.M. himself stated that they were horrid (and I'm not saying no more M.M.). I did like the Joe Lansdale story, quiet a bit, so more from him.