Elphalba's page

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I am going to be starting a new campaign soon and I was looking for a great 1st level adventure to kick things off. Does anyone have any recommendations?

I am currently just finishing up with an Age of Worms campaign and I know I only have a few months before 4E, so my group is not looking for something long term like a new adventure path. However I did buy Cormyr: Tearing of the Weave and I would like to use that one, but it starts at 4th level and I need a quick, easy, place for the players to stretch their legs, get to know their new characters, develop bonds with each other and get ready to Rock.

I personally think that the first few levels are the most important when it comes to character development. If the beginning is lame, the rest will be as well... so this is pretty important.

Any recommendations?

Hey Everyone,

I got my copy this weekend and I was very happy. However, when I went to read it I found the font to be much too small for me. Unfortunately, it is so small that it discourages me from using the product to run my players through. I was throughly disappointed. I really have loved all of the adventure paths up until this moment. I remember reading the Shackled City and loved it. My players are almost finished with Age of Worms and are extremely happy and I was so looking forward for one more adventure path before 4th edition. I was truly hoping to run Rise of the Runelords, but I don't think I will be able too. I know that it would have been more expensive to print the book with larger font, but I would rather pay more for something that I can use, then pay less for a product that does not work for me. Maybe you guys can put out a "large font for the elderly" version :)

On a very serious note, you should realize that if I am discouraged by the font and I am writing you about it, hoping for Paizo to change it decision for future products, then there are at least 10 others behind me that are just putting the book down, for good, and not letting you guys know why.

Here's hoping to see a large font in the future...