About Khara ThrustAppearance:
Khara is a very lithe and attractive woman. Standing at 5’2” tall and weighing 98 lbs, she has a delicate and athletic build. Her small face, slightly pointed ears, large yellow eyes and constant grin give the impression of a predatory feline. Her hair is dark and short, decorated with a few streaks of red. On the nape of her neck, her hair continues to a short black fur down her back, ending in an elegant panther-like tail. She moves with catlike fluid grace, and her pointed fingernails curve into razor sharp claws. She favors dark or black garb; leathery, tight and revealing.
Her voice is sweet, with just a hint of rugged edge that gives it an air of maturity. Her demeanor is mostly playful and seductive, but she can turn fierce in a heartbeat, hissing and barring sharp teeth. She is very intelligent and inquisitive, glad to befriend her equals, suck up to her superiors and dominate her lesser. Core Beliefs:
Khara's core belief is that all of the people of this land are of the food caste. As a ruler caste she is superior to them and it is her role and birthright to rule them, and their universal role to serve her.
Although she has no qualms taking lives of individuals, Khara is concerned about the lives of people and she cares for them as her future subjects. Background- As told:
I was born very far from here, in the Vinayakapuram palace in southern Vudra. The Indrajit clan is a powerful clan of Rakshasas belonging to the Hakima- the Lords- Caste. My uncle, The Raja Meghanaad Indrajit rules Vinayakapuram with an iron fist. Oh, I could tell you tales about the splendor of that place all night long. We had over two hundred slaves eager to serve for our every whim. The Goshtas from all neighboring villages brought us luxurious offerings on a daily basis, and if it was not to our liking, we made a banquet of the family that provided the disgraceful offering.
Although obviously disappointed that I was not born as a Rakashasa, many of my family were respectable Paradeshi beastbroods, and I showed promising signs as a toddler. I received the finest education money (and tyranny, extortion and murder) could buy. Like any noble, I was taught the basics of etiquette, swordsmanship, dancing, magic, diplomacy, poison use, oratory, torture, history and the likes. My sleek tongue and nimble mind was quick to pick up the subtleties of manipulation- that of people and that of magical energies. I was looking forward to a respectable life dominating a few Goshta villages. But... puberty failed me. I failed to manifest properly, as you can see my nakedly smooth, human body. By the time I was 16, it was obviously too late to manifest fully. I was young and stupid, afraid to lose my status, afraid not to grow up to be a Paradeshi. I tried to demonstrate my prowess to the clan, but that was not enough for them, and I knew the traitorous bastards planned to brand me as Pagal, a traitor, and get rid of me. So I skipped the castle before they got on with their scheme. I boarded The Seer’s Revenge, a pirate ship headed far away. I figured I might as well head out to the other side of the world, if I’m running away. I managed to impress Chandan Ironhand, the captain of The Seer, with my many talents. This bought me a bed (in the captain’s quarters, no less) aboard the ship, and in no time I had the whole crew under my charm. I learned the ways of the sea, that of prey (merchant ships) and of their predators. In a few months, I was indistinguishable from the rest of the salt- encrusted swashbucklers toiling on the Seer. I had a growing confidence that I will reclaim my birthright out here in these strange lands. I might not be able to be a Paradeshi amongst my people, but out here among the Goshta there is none to be my equal. I was born to rule them, and one day I will. I will amass my own power and wealth, build a palace a hundred times more extravagant than Vinayakapuram and rule a whole empire with an iron fist. Stories of my tyranny will spread out to the four quarters of the earth, and the Indrajit clan will hear them with envy. When The Seer was planned to return to Vudra, I just switched to a different vessel. By then, I was a worthy sailor any first mate would cherish. Thus I found myself on board The Kraken’s Breath, headed towards Talingrade. We stalked the waters around Talingrade, a risky territory but with very little competition. We gathered wealth FAST. But alas, out luck did not hold out forever. Our ship was ambushed by those Markadian dogs, who cut down the whole crew and set the ship aflame. I alone managed to charm a few of the assailants who captured me alive, only to be incarcerated and sent to this hellhole to be executed. Those weak willed mongrels! They will be sorry to have crossed me. They will see, no one messes with Khara Indrajit! Background- as told/as happened, spoiler!:
I was born very far from here, in the Vinayakapuram palace in southern Vudra. The Indrajit clan is a powerful clan of Rakshasas belonging to the Hakima- the Lords- Caste. My uncle, The Raja Meghanaad Indrajit rules Vinayakapuram with an iron fist. Oh, I could tell you tales about the splendor of that place all night long. We had over two hundred slaves eager to serve for our every whim. The Goshtas from all neighboring villages brought us luxurious offerings on a daily basis, and if it was not to our liking, we made a banquet of the family that provided the disgraceful offering.
The Raja Meghanaad Indrajit has dominion over a small province, has some 20,000 people (referred to as Goshta caste) that revere him as a local god. Vinyakapuram city is a well-fortified city of 7,000 citizens, mostly lawful evil. There are some prosperous mines near the city, and it is renowned for its artisans and the masterful jewelry they produce. It is also ruled by the iron fist of the Indrajit clan. The Raja himself is over 400 years old, very powerful and wise. The Raja’s brother, Sugriva, is the general of the army and has been the Raja’s right hand for centuries. He took Ahilawati, a young and attractive tiefling, as wife and she gave birth to twins: a girl named Khara and a boy named Barbarika (“Baka” as Khara affectionately called him). As tradition dictates, both parents must partake in great evil during the pregnancy to increase the chance of attracting a rakshasa spirit to the child. The couple kidnapped a family of 9, tortured and raped them throughout the pregnancy. They did not luck out and the twins were born as mere tieflings. However, it is considered a good omen to receive a litter so the twins were raised with the hopes of future prospects. Although obviously disappointed that I was not born as a Rakashasa, many of my family were respectable Paradeshi beastbroods, and I showed promising signs as a toddler. I received the finest education money (and tyranny, extortion and murder) could buy. Like any noble, I was taught the basics of etiquette, swordsmanship, dancing, magic, diplomacy, poison use, oratory, torture, history and the likes. My sleek tongue and nimble mind was quick to pick up the subtleties of manipulation- that of people and that of magical energies. Khara was raised on the wicked values of her lawful evil clan. These values place emphasis on understanding your proper role in the universe and working to improve it. As Khara was born into a ruling caste, it was implied that she will grow to rule people and her attitude developed around that concept. When she misbehaved as a child it would be “Is this how a ruler behaves?” or “What will your minions think about this behavior?”. As a child she was considered to be a “free spirit”, that is to say, rambunctious, playful and prone to run wild. Although sharp and inquisitive, she gave much grief to her tutors, avoiding chores and running pranks. Her brother Barbarika, on the other hand, was a model student. He was just as brilliant, but also disciplined, dedicated and focused. Where Khara skimmed through countless books with lightning speed, Barbarika studied complex texts and was able to recite and analyze the great poems by age 9. Khara really looked up to her brother, and loved him dearly. “Baka” surpassed her in every subject, excelled in battle training, and was always praised more. But that did not sow seeds of envy in her, it merely made her idolize him more.
I was looking forward to a respectable life dominating a few Goshta villages. But... puberty failed me. I failed to manifest properly, as you can see my nakedly smooth, human body. By the time I was 16, it was obviously too late to manifest fully. I was young and stupid, afraid to lose my status, afraid not to grow up to be a Paradeshi. I tried to demonstrate my prowess to the clan, but that was not enough for them, and I knew the traitorous bastards planned to brand me as Pagal, a traitor, and get rid of me. So I skipped the castle before they got on with their scheme. As Khara grew older, she grew a bit more tame and disciplined. Barbarika was far ahead of her, and she knew she had to work hard to catch up. Fighting against her nature, she spent more time pouring over books, studying toxins in the laboratory, practicing her swordsmanship and spellcraft. She yearned for some positive reinforcement from her parents, but none came her way. She worked harder. Around age 14, she hit puberty and began manifesting her extraplanar nature. She grew a tail and claws, her eyes turned brighter and her senses sharper. She began to grow a beautiful fur of a black panther. But then- it stopped. She was nervous about the implications of her incomplete manifestation, turning restless and fearful. When she was 16, her brother manifested, to a full and beautiful black tiger. His manifestation was so complete it was difficult to distinguish him from full Rakshasa.
I boarded The Seer’s Revenge, a pirate ship headed far away. I figured I might as well head out to the other side of the world, if I’m running away. I managed to impress Chandan Ironhand, the captain of The Seer, with my many talents. This bought me a bed (in the captain’s quarters, no less) aboard the ship, and in no time I had the whole crew under my charm. I learned the ways of the sea, that of prey (merchant ships) and of their predators. In a few months, I was indistinguishable from the rest of the salt- encrusted swashbucklers toiling on the Seer. I had a growing confidence that I will reclaim my birthright out here in these strange lands. I might not be able to be a Paradeshi amongst my people, but out here among the Goshta there is none to be my equal. I was born to rule them, and one day I will. I will amass my own power and wealth, build a palace a hundred times more extravagant than Vinayakapuram and rule a whole empire with an iron fist. Stories of my tyranny will spread out to the four quarters of the earth, and the Indrajit clan will hear them with envy. Actually, Khara’s tenure aboard the Seer was not as long as she usually describes. The Vudran crew reminded her too much of home and the past she left behind. Also, she feared that at some point she will need to take another life. She was not put off by the thought of taking a life of some random humanoids- They were only Goshta, just food. She was afraid that it would be hard for her to do that. She was afraid she would be weak, like she was with Ba’ka. So when she felt they were far enough from Vudra, she remained by herself in the port city of Andaea. There, she spent some time in alleyways and back streets, living off whatever she could steal of mug. She encountered for the first time the concept that tieflings were not revered, but shunned from society. Her fruitless efforts to join guilds, gangs and secret societies fueled her anger at humankind, and her desperation as she came closer and closer to starvation pushed her to commit her second murder. That drunken traveler had the infortune to wander through the wrong alleyways that night, and did not see the malnourished street brat, with filthy tattered clothes that was slumped against the stone wall in utter darkness. Compared with her first, this killing was effortless. It was just food, walking on two legs and carrying her livelihood for the next few weeks in its pockets. It was so easy, that she felt lightheaded by the relief (or maybe the starvation).
When the Seer was planned to return to Vudra, I just switched to a different vessel. By then, I was a worthy sailor any first mate would cherish. Thus I found myself on board The Kraken’s Breath, headed towards Talingrade. We stalked the waters around Talingrade, a risky territory but with very little competition. We gathered wealth FAST. But alas, out luck did not hold out forever. Our ship was ambushed by those Markadian dogs, who cut down the whole crew and set the ship aflame. I alone managed to charm a few of the assailants who captured me alive, only to be incarcerated and sent to this hellhole to be executed. Those weak willed mongrels! They will be sorry to have crossed me. They will see, no one messes with Khara Indrajit!
STR 10 +0, DEX 16 +3, CON 10 +0, INT 14 +2, WIS 10 +0, CHA 19 +4 HP 9 AC 13 Tch 13 Flat 10 Fort +0 Ref +5 Wil +2 BAB +0 CMD 13 CMB +0 Initiative +3 Perception +4 Speed 30 ft, Languages Common, Infernal, Undercommon, Abyssal Attack: Claws (X2) +3/+3 1D4+0 Skills
Class Features
Tattered rags Unique key |