
Khalla's page

29 posts. Organized Play character for romuken.

Full Name

Khalla VonCouvet




Summoner 1







Special Abilities

+1 feat for 1st lvl; +2 to charisma







Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 13
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 20

About Khalla

AC: 10+3(studded leather)+2(dex)=15

HP: 11

Weapon: Morningstar (d8).

Fort: 0+1=1
Ref: 0+2=2
Will: 2+0=2

Traits: Classically Schooled (+1 spellcraft), Focused Mind (+2 Concentration checks).

Feats: Magical Aptitude (+2 Spellcraft & Use Magic Device); Combat Casting (+4 Concentration check when casting defensively, or grappled).

Skills: Spellcraft +11, Use Magical Device +14

Appearance: Short black hair (down to neck on back). Wears a black padded outfit w/ white trimming along opened areas (sleeves, collar, ect...) Has cloth headband that has a hole to expose the center of his forehead, where his rune appears. (Symbol of Mother).

Khalla was taught magic at the young age of 5. Though taught the teachings of the regulated magic, he veered to that of the Summoner, after seeing reoccurring images of a beast in his dreams. Due to this, he was not allowed to finish his teachings, though learned enough to be self taught. He was also not sanctioned due to this, though feels it to be better, since he does not have to follow such restrictions.

Since he never really passed his teachings, he was immediately taken by authorities. He was branded like a sanctioned magic user, but was told he would never become one, and the brand was a way to keep him in "check".

To others, he seems normal, people guessing the mark he bears is unseeable. To guards, he's like a pie to a starving man, since they held the symbol to activate his brand. He has used his special talents, though not in the regular way. He dazzles people with the amount of power he wields by summoning a variety of monsters, knowing that no guard can't touch him since it was a regular talent among magic users, less he summons his Eidolon, or uses the monster to attack/steal/ect...


0 Lvl Spells= Light; Detect Magic (60 ft); Mending (repairs d4 hp on objects (magic items = caster lvl or lower); Open/close (less than 30lbs; cant be locked.)
1st Lvl Spells (Can cast up to 3 times.)=
Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser (Eidolon healed d10 +1/lvl (5 max)); Mage Armor:+4 AC for 1hr/lvl..

Kind: Biped.


Black, haunched over. He has large hands with equally large arms, which match well with his torso. Legs are strong, but his hands appear more menacing than them due to the odd, lengthy bumps following the fingers. In reality, they were claws, able to immediately extend in combat. Its skin appears to be made of some sort of leather, forged in pure darkness. It also appears to be oily, though is rather smooth to the touch. The rune on its head covers majority face, besides the wicked smile that goes from side to side of the rune. The rune covers its large, solid yellow eye.

Medium; Speed 30 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad), Will (good); Attack 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11; Free Evolutions claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs).

Ability Inc. Str; Improved Damage (Claws).


Unknown at present time.

Battle info:
AC 10+2+1=13
Fort:3 Ref:1 Will: 2
2x Claws+5 (2d6+4)
Health: 16
No dmg to Eidolon if reflex is successful.

Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (planes), Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, Intimidate, Craft, Acrobatics, Survival, Spellcraft.

Trained Skills: Perception: 0+1+3=4 Acrobatics: 1+1+3=5 Intimidate: 0+1+3=4 Survival: 0+1+3=4