Keyva |

Havent filled out stats yet, but here is the alias for my rogue
She is a "former" theif, turned adventurer, though she refers to herself as an opportunist. Deadly with a blade or bow and a wide range of skills, She has survived on her own for a number of years. Her personality is as fiery as her hair and her temper in battle! She's an ophan, i'm thinking destroyed village, and though she missed joining the caravan she has decided to set out in its wake, hoping to write herself into its story.
she will be a good skill monkey, and the all improtant disable device. SHe will prefer to open combat from stealth if possible, and sneak atatck with others in melee. Alignment wise, i see her as having undergone a recent shift, perhaps from CN to CG. She has recently received help from new "friends" and is looking to turn over a new lead, well partly new anyway.