
Kevin Olsen's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Christopher DeGraffenreid wrote:
Like Vegas, 4e is bright and shiny with lots of toys and constant excitement but like Vegas, 4e is missing an undefinable something, something I would call soul.

I have to agree with this. My friends and I think that this edition feels more like a video game than D&D. The mechanics look great on paper, it was fun to write up our characters...but as soon as we started rolling the dice it felt...empty.

I can't really point out anything specific, because, as this thread has shown, any rule or change one doesn't like can be house-ruled or will be updated with new books shortly (besides HD...anyone upset about how different modifying monsters is?) I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling 4e is soulless.

Tysdaddy wrote:
I had a player who liked to animate anything he came across. The best was when he tried to animate a keg. He wanted it to walk around behind his character and provide needed sustenance. I gave him a blank stare, waited a beat, and moved on. It was a classic moment.

HA! Imagine how useful one of those could be! You could use it for bargaining, easing pain, and think about how abd it would hurt to be hit by a keg of beer! The hangovers I as a DM could dish out with one of those! That would be a great encounter for some unruly noob PC's...

.....I was going to post a humorous story of my own, but I don't think anything can beat this.....