Kevin Olmstead's page

25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

System requirements? Mac Compatible? Need that kind of info, thanks.

I would like to see some more information on all the software, specifically, the level of compatibility with Macintosh Computers, and some description of the number and types of files in items like this one. Are the graphics in PDF, PNG, TIFF, JPG, multiple formats? Are they available both colored and uncolored??

't would be neat. thanks.

While this does sound like a pretty good module, it conjures images of Scooby Doo. I can just see this module ending with the unmasking of Firebeard, only to discover that the long-dead pirate is really Old Man Wetherby, who wanted to scare everyone out of town so he could build a strip mall.

I don't even think that would be a bad conclusion.