Kevin McCarty's page

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Alexandros Satorum wrote:

To be fair, dual wileding gunslingers are silly and weapon cord for 11 shots in six seconds is uber silly.


See, when people take the time to PRACTICE, and customize their equipment, they CAN do all sorts of crazy stuff. Just because a dev can't do it, (Or is possibly jealous of people who can) is no reason to penalize the FANTASY characters that could. Why not go full bore and say that since wiggling your fingers cannot make lightning or acid fly out, magic will be nerfed too?

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Question wrote:

Paizo doesnt issue errata based on balance, if it did things like crafting would have been issued errata.

They issue errata based on what they think is "realistic". Hence the whole weapon cords thing, because, IIRC, a paizo staff member tried it out IRL and decided it was unrealistic to be able to do it with a swift action.

So a game developer tried something that numerous trained martial artists who have practiced for YEARS can do, and can be observed doing, but because the dev couldn't do it, neither can your CHARACTERS which are trained martial artists who practice for years?

Wow, talk about neckbeard sour grapes...

This issue has a lot of neat variants for the core spellcasting classes, things that are very similar to PHB 2 and Unearthed Arcana.

That said, I'm looking at the Evangelist Cleric, and it seems a little light. No turning, and less armor proficiency...Has anyone played one? How was it?