
Lord_Puppy's page

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Shadow Servant is listed as the equivalent to Unseen Servant, which is a level 1 bard spell that lasts 1 hour/level. Why would a Wayang Shadow Puppeteer waste their precious performance rounds, when they could use a level 1 spell that would give them the same effect for a much much longer period of time? The ambiguity here lies in the fact that it IS listed under Bardic Performances for the Shadow Puppeteer racial archetype. This has to be an oversight, since it is such a low level ability that (along with shadow puppets) replaces inspire courage and competence. Also, a shadow is less invisible than an invisible anything AND relies on proper lighting conditions, so its LESS powerful than the comparable level 1 bard spell

I am currently playing a level 4 Wayang Shadow Puppeteer. I love its RP possibilities, but I do think most of its abilities are sort of not that useful. Shadow Puppets gives you a level 2 bard spell (summon monster II) but with a lot of extra restrictions (lighting, will save, %20 hit-points, using bardic performance.) When it comes down to strategy and defeating a difficult enemy, I always lean towards just using summon monster II, so to avoid giving the enemy a save and locking myself into a specific performance (which lingering performance can help off-set a little bit).

I am enjoying playing my character, but could someone explain to me how playing a Shadow Puppeteer is better than playing a Wayang Bard armed with a Summon Monster II spell and an Unseen Servant Spell? That way you don't have to sacrifice Inspire Courage and Inspire Competence?