
Kestrel.'s page

118 posts. Alias of Cwethan.

Full Name

Elizabeth "Betsy" Howell


5'2" & barely north of 100 lbs.



About Kestrel.

Name: Elizabeth "Betsy" Howell
Code Name: Kestrel
Initiative: +9
PL: 8
Strength: -1 Agility: 9 Fighting: 0 Awareness: 9 Stamina: 4 Dexterity: 0 Intellect: 10 Presence: 2

Dodge: 9 Parry: 9
Fortitude: 7 Toughness: 7 Will: 9

Inexpert Jab +0 DC 14
Precisely Flung Object +8 DC 21


Deadly Accuracy:
Throwing Mastery (6)
Ricochet (2)
Requires Perception (DC 17)
Arrayed with (Afflict 8 (Increased Range, Limited Degree, Alternate Resistance, Ricochet 1, Required Perception Check DC 18)

Hook, Line, and Swinger
Flight (2)
Easily Removable

Accurate Hearing
Danger Sense
Distance Sense
Analytical Sight
Rapid Sight
Rapid Hearing
Time Sense

I Know Where You're Not Looking:
Concealment All Sight, Normal hearing, Mental, All Olfactory, Tactile (Passive, Required Insight (8))

I Can See What You're Thinking
Mind Reading 8 (Limited to Surface Thoughts, Effortless, Sense-Dependent, Required Insight DC 18; Very Subtle (2))

Quickness (2)

Body Armor
Protection 3

Jack of All Trades
Eidetic Memory
All-out Attack
Very Attractive (2)

Acrobatics 5 (+14), Deception 10 (+12/+17), Insight 7 (+16) Perception 7 (+16), Ranged Combat(Thrown) 10 (+10), Stealth 1 (+10) (May use all skills untrained - Most Expertises +15 to know stuff, Persuade +2/+7 if female-human attracted)

Complications: Motivation(Recognition), Relationship (Killer Shark)

Points Math:
Strength -1 92
Stamina 2 88
Agility 2 84
Dexterity 0 84
Fighting 0 84
Intellect 7 70
Awareness 7 56
Presence 2 52
Dodge 5 47
Fortitude 3 44
Parry 7 37
Deadly Accuracy
Ranged Combat (Throwing) 8 33
Precise 1 32
Ricochet 2 30
Throwing Mastery 4 26
Subtle 1 25
Hook, Line, and Swinger 23
Flight 2
Easily Removable
Improved Initiative 22
Accurate Hearing 21
Danger Sense 20
Distance Sense 19
Analytical sight 18
Rapid Sight and Hearing 16
Time Sense 15
Mental Quickness 2 14
Armor 3 12
Jack of All Trades 10
Eidetic Memory 9
All-out attack 8
Acrobatics 5 ranks 6
Insight 4 rank 4
Perception 5 Rank 2
Attractive 1 rank 1

30 more points

Throwing Mastery +2 to 6 28
Affliction Array for Deadly Accuracy (Afflict 8 (Increased Range, Limited Degree, Alternate Resistance, Ricochet 2, Required Perception Check DC 17)) 1 27
Stamina to 4 4 23
Awareness to 9 4 19
Intellect to 10 6 13
Parry to 9 2 11
Dodge down to 0 -5 16
Agility up to 9 12 4
Very Attractive 1 1 3
Throwing +2 1 2
Perception +2 1 1
Insight +3 1.5 -.5
Remove Improved Initiative .5
Then spend the last .5 on...
Stealth to 1? So... +10?
8 Points for Adding Check Dependent to Deadly Accuracy

I Know Where You're Not Looking 1 7
I Know What You're Thinking 2 5
Deception 10 5 0

I Can See What You're Thinking
Mind Reading 8 (Limited to Surface Thoughts, Effortless, Sense-Dependent) 8-8 (Required Insight DC 18), Very Subtle (2)

Okay, buying 14 more points with 7 ranks in Required Perception checks for Throwing and 7 ranks in Required Insight checks for Concealment

I know where you aren't looking
Concealment All Sight, Normal hearing, Mental, All Olfactory, Tactile (Passive, Required Insight (8))