This is part two of my startup materials, the opening scene of the game as I see it, where the party gets the charter before travelling to Oleg's. Any comments are appreciated. Note that there are some very mild spoilers involved.
Calistril 23rd – Cold and rainy, the party has arrived at the Hall of Law in Restov. Each has been informed that they are to be given the opportunity to aid Brevoy and make a name for themselves in the process.
As they enter, they see a well-equipped band leaving the stables, a banner showing a slate gray ghost-like figure against a red field flapping in the Wind (DC 15 Knowledge: Local to ID the Iron Wraiths)
Inside the doors, they are faced with a large marble hall. Several halflings approach, the best-dressed one addressing the party as the others clear the mud from their boots.
“Welcome to the Hall of Law. You are (still hunting down names) I presume? Of course. You are expected. Please follow me.”
They are led into a well appointed room and offered refreshments.
While waiting, a handsome man steps from one of the doorways, wheels, and bows towards the other room, “Of course, Lord Mayor, I shall not fail.”. He turns and looks down his nose at the party, “Hmph, you must be the Greenbelt crew. We’ll see how long you last.”
If the party makes any move towards the door, Hannis Drelev (DC15 Knowledge:Local to recognize the someday to be Baron Drelev) barks a short laugh, “Ha! Sit yourselves back down. That door is not for you. Your door is that one.” He points to a closed door. The halfling majordomo looks blankly ahead, but nods slightly to confirm if anyone looks to him. Assuming no further conversations, he stalks out of the waiting room.
Shortly thereafter, the other door opens, and a tall, slim man steps out, “Ah, you must be those who will be mapping the Greenbelt.” He bows, “Maegar Varn, at your service. I’ll be trying to deal with the centaur issue in the Nomen heights. Perhaps we will meet again.” (Again, DC15 Knowledge:Local, this time to recognize Varn as someone close to becoming a swordlord)
“I believe Jamandi will see you now”, he gestures towards the open door and the halfling stands, escorting the party into the room.
That’s where Jamandi Aldori makes her pitch, presenting the Charter as well as the Bandits and Sootscale quests.
I've set it up this way to begin giving the characters continuity when these characters pop up in later parts of the AP. I also plan on explicit contact (and aid) from Varnhold before contact stops.