
KennedyHawk's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

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Hi all,

I've been considered getting in to Pathfinder ACG for a long time but could never bite the bullet. A local shop had eveyrthing over 50% off at a con this past weekend.

I am now addicted.

My wife and I are going through RotR as a 2 player campaign, and hopefully we'll convince two friends to do a 4 player run through with us as well.

I'm going to give recaps of our exploits here.

Last night we began our adventures by stopping some dastadly bandits in "Brigandoom!". We constructed decks out of basic cards after playing a few sample scenarios we had both picked characters to our liking. I am playing Koren from the paladin class deck and my wife is playing Lini the druid from the RotR character expansion.

The first scenario was a blast, we began in the same location and cleared it with easy and ran into some nasty barriers at location 2 that gave us trouble. With two locations closed we finally ran into the Villain at the broken bridge, he was defeated and escaped to our final location. While Lini worked to close the bridge I started clearing the final location where each dice gets -1 if you use a weapon. My paladin had some trouble here and had 3-4 turns in a row of lost checks. At one point I was down to 1 card in my deck. Luckily Lini and I both had Cure in our hands and were able to bring me back to reasonable shape.

Lini eventually came over to take on the villain. Using her d10 discard ability paired with a d4 from an animal reveal. She rolled max on both dice to take the villain out for good.

Overall a very fun scenario. We got some worthwhile loot including an amulet that helps on recharge checks and some dexterity based blessings for Lini.

We mixed in all the B and C cards from the character add on and paladin class decks into our box so we'll be sure to get more things to help us along the way. We hope to continue the adventures soon and update you all on our progress as we experience this game for the first time :).

Thanks for reading!