
KennedyHawk's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

I've been using my CRB for about a week and the binging just gave way . Who do I contact to set up a replacement :(


I just signed up for a subscription for the Starfinder AP's.

I was hoping to snag AP1 Book 1 at Gencon but it was sold out.

Is there a way I can add this book to my subscription when it becomes available?


I saw that Pathfinder APs eventually had pawn box releases. Do we expect something similar with Starfinder? Does it drop after the 6th book or when? My group is finishing up another RPG campaign 3-4 sessions left so we plan to start this in October and I'm figuring out my pawn situation in the meantime :)

Hi everyone,

I've been playing through all of the base games of Pathfinder ACG with a few friends and we are now beginning to play through the seasonal content. I'd like to log our sessions online through Paizo.com but I have never done this before and was hoping an experience game coordinator could help me out. If this is in the wrong forum I apologize but I wasn't sure where to go :(

I had a few questions.

I figured out how to create an event and link it to a specific scenario but had a few issues.

1) After creating the event I tried adding all the players using their paizo number and character number but when I complete the session the session doesn't mark itself as complete or close. Do I need to flag it for this?

2) When I fill in the characters in paizo.com I'm used to being able to find a PDF chronicle sheet. I can only find blank ones, does the system generate one after reporting?

3) Any other tips and tricks for someone new to the reporting system.


I found a ton of old threads but most of the contact info seems dead or changed.

Are there any Pathfinder Society roleplaying groups in Madison WI.

I'm interested in the RPG but also the Adventure Card Guild events but haven't been able to locate anything.


Hello all,

I've been trying to find a local group or game store that does the Pathfinder ACG seasonal play with little luck.

I've purchased the PDF's for the new season so far, can I run these in house with family and friends to register my character that way?

Is there anything different for this other than being a month or two behind?

Trying to figure out how to play one of his powers.

It reads something like:

When you would banish an Alchemical card or spell card for it's powers you may recharge it instead.

Does this mean when Damiel uses a spell like Cure he can recharge it at the end even without a Divine trait?


How many times can an adventurer explore per turn.

For some reason I thought it was once but a lot of cards say, "Instead of your first exploration," so on and so forth. Is there a static rule to how much you explore, or do you just gain extra via discarding things like blessings?

Does anyone else use the Broken Token game organizer?

I'm not sure what subforum to put this in. I'm really happy with it. It looks like it will hold all of our RotR cards in separate divisions while sleeved!

My only complaint is sometimes the inserts won't stay locked into position, they are a bit too narrow. Has anyone else had this problem or found a solution? I was thinking about gluing to adjacent onces together so they will reinforce one another but I'm amis right now. At least until I have all 6 sets sleeved.

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Hi all,

I've been considered getting in to Pathfinder ACG for a long time but could never bite the bullet. A local shop had eveyrthing over 50% off at a con this past weekend.

I am now addicted.

My wife and I are going through RotR as a 2 player campaign, and hopefully we'll convince two friends to do a 4 player run through with us as well.

I'm going to give recaps of our exploits here.

Last night we began our adventures by stopping some dastadly bandits in "Brigandoom!". We constructed decks out of basic cards after playing a few sample scenarios we had both picked characters to our liking. I am playing Koren from the paladin class deck and my wife is playing Lini the druid from the RotR character expansion.

The first scenario was a blast, we began in the same location and cleared it with easy and ran into some nasty barriers at location 2 that gave us trouble. With two locations closed we finally ran into the Villain at the broken bridge, he was defeated and escaped to our final location. While Lini worked to close the bridge I started clearing the final location where each dice gets -1 if you use a weapon. My paladin had some trouble here and had 3-4 turns in a row of lost checks. At one point I was down to 1 card in my deck. Luckily Lini and I both had Cure in our hands and were able to bring me back to reasonable shape.

Lini eventually came over to take on the villain. Using her d10 discard ability paired with a d4 from an animal reveal. She rolled max on both dice to take the villain out for good.

Overall a very fun scenario. We got some worthwhile loot including an amulet that helps on recharge checks and some dexterity based blessings for Lini.

We mixed in all the B and C cards from the character add on and paladin class decks into our box so we'll be sure to get more things to help us along the way. We hope to continue the adventures soon and update you all on our progress as we experience this game for the first time :).

Thanks for reading!

I read in the rule book that each hero is able to use no more than one card type per check...

We ran into this last night (on our first mission).

Lini had a spell and weapon in hand that she had picked up earlier in the scenario. Is she able to roll dex + weapon die and divine + spell die by using both the weapon and spell card? Or is she only allowed to use one for the combat check?

How does revealing work. Lini again is able to reveal a animal traited card in order to add a 1d4 to any check. Can the same animal be revealed twice in a turn (say you continue exploring). Can the animal that was revealed be discarded to continue exploring if that's a card effect. We weren't sure if it was a once per turn thing. In another light if you have two animals in hand can you reveal both for a 2d4 bonus?

What happens to undefeated monsters are they shuffled back in the deck or returned to the box like boons after an unsuccessful check?

I'm sure I'll have more questions later but these were the ones we couldnt figure out last night.


I'm pretty new to pathfinder ACG. I'm hoping to attend a local card guild event soon so I bought a few of the class decks for my wife and I to look through so we could try and build some characters.

To build a beginning character it mentions something like:

"Your character deck must meet the Cards List
requirements on the back of your character card. You
must use cards from your Class Deck box according to
the following hierarchy.
1. Use cards that have the set indicator B and the
Basic trait.
2. Use cards that have the set indicator B without
the Basic trait.
3. Use cards that have the set indicator 1 and the
Basic trait.
4. Use cards that have the set indicator 1 without
the Basic trait,
… and so on, up to the adventure deck number of
your current tier"

Does this mean we must include cards in that order. First set B cards with the Basic trait, then set B non-Basic cards? If that doesn't meet the requirements we can add set 1 cards with the B-trait?

Or do we have all of the listed cards available to build a deck?