About KenisI have a solid, consistent posting history. Most of the time I check in a few times a day to keep up with things and I am usually pretty good about keeping everyone up to date on when things come up in RL that mean a delay for me. I can post from my phone, and do so frequently. Background:
Although his family were descended from a long line of native Ioborians, Kenis's parents were devout worshippers of Erastil and helped to watch over the wilds. They came to be valuable allies of Mendev in the crusades. As Kenis grew into a man, he joined them. However, a betrayal by one of the Crusaders when Kenis was in his early 20s lead them into a trap. Due to the sacrifice of his parents Kenis survived, but the experience left him with a distrust of Crusaders he hasn't met before. Although he still felt a wariness and mistrust of new people, he couldn't keep himself from the border. His natural leadership, tactical skills, and knowledge of the land was a valuable asset to the effort and he found himself leading small raids and aiding in various missions. His continued efforts in the war lead to a close relationship with a younger Paladin named Eris. Her ferocious devotion to Erastil inspired him and they became a powerful and effective team in the crusades together. On a return from a failed raid (the demons had abandoned the location by the time Kenis's strike force reached it), Kenis, Eris, and their team were ambushed by force lead by a demon that was much more powerful than either of them. Eris drew its attention while Kenis held back the rest of the demons, allowing the others time to escape. The greater demon smote Eris to the ground. Shouting a prayer to any gods that would come to his aid, Kenis struck the ground between Eris and the demon as it raised its axe to make a killing blow. Kenis's strike split the ground and a crack opened wide, throwing back the demon and knocking Kenis to the ground, unconscious. He awoke in a Crusader hospital with Eris. She was barely alive, but her body was broken--she would never fight again. Kenis was scarred in his own way--his body seems to be in a permanent state of decay in stasis.
First I had a plan for Kenis to be a frontline combatant that also buffed people, and so had this Crunch put together; except I had planned to use the Flagbearer feat and the Freebooter archetype to give the party +2 to all attack and damage rolls (possibly with a level of Bard down the road, for +3). Without Flagbearer and the Freebooter archetype he still will offer always-on teamwork feats down the road (probably starting with Precise Strike to give everyone 1d6 precision damage while flanking) and his Marshal path abilities (among them, the ability to give everyone 1d6 sneak attack) will boost the party effectively as well. I like him; he's unconventional but should still be effective. As Ranger/Oracle/Paladin:
LG Human Ranger 1/Warsighted Oracle (Nature) 1/Holy Tactician 2 Worships Erastil, but keeps an "ear to the ground" for all of the Good Pantheon. He is familiar with Iomedae and often prays to her before a battle. Dual Path Marshal/Champion Feats
Future choices:
Marshal's Order: Rally
30 years old
HP 35 (10 base + 2d10 + 1d8 + 4 Con + 4 Martial Tier 1)
Skills = 16 ranks (6 Ranger + 4 Paladin +4 Oracle - 4 Int + 4 Human +2 Favored Class)
Favored Enemy (Evil Outsider) - +2 attack, damage, bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, and survival against Evil Outsiders, and may make identify checks against them untrained.
Aura of Good
Intended Path:
Combat Gear
Non-Combat Gear
... but looking at the Mythic ranged feats I saw that an archer looked like a lot of fun in a Mythic game. Considering that you guys seemed really determined to have someone who could do Sneak Attack, I put this alternate crunch together. I would have to change some of the details of the background for it, but the overall outline would remain the same. The other one is, ironically, slightly better at Disable Device. As Slayer:
NG Human Slayer 4 Marshal Feats
Future choices:
Mythic 3: Manyshot (Mythic) Marshal's Order: Rally
30 years old
HP 45 (10 base + 3d10 + 8 Con + 5 Champion Tier 1 + 4 favored class)
Skills = 32 ranks (24 Ranger + 4 Int + 4 Human)
Intended Path:
Combat Gear
Non-Combat Gear