Karzoug the Claimer

Kendrosmeren's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts (13 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Liberty's Edge

Watcher wrote:
Kendrosmeren wrote:
Txoro, can we contact you via e-mail if we want to discuss character ideas with you?
In the original gamer connection thread he posted his junk e-mail address: Die.DieSpamDie (at) gmail

Thanks, Watcher.

Liberty's Edge

Txoro, can we contact you via e-mail if we want to discuss character ideas with you?

Liberty's Edge

Txoro, after more thought this weekend, I've settled on a female Elf Swordmaster. Her specialty will be Bladesmen. Is that cool?

Liberty's Edge

Txoro of Barsaive wrote:
Kendro, Your dwarf/human, he would be a Human that was just short like a dwarf correct? since there are no half-breeds in ED.

Txoro, a short human would be fine. I forgot that there are no half-breeds.

Liberty's Edge

Txoro, I have no specific preference for race or discipline. Here are some of my ideas:

1) Thief (half dwarf/half human - as short as a dwarf, but human appearance)
2) Warrior (Troll)
3) Woodsman (Elf) - from Denizens of Earthdawn, Vol. 1 (I don't know how much conversion would be necessary to 3e, so disregard idea if the party has/needs a scout instead)
4) Archer (Elf or Human)

Liberty's Edge

I'm interested in joining you if there's space. This PbP was a great idea!

Liberty's Edge

Stargate Universe
Dog the Bounty Hunter
Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives

Liberty's Edge

The Warrior's Tale by Allan Cole. I recommended this fantasy book to two lesbian friends, and they loved it!

Liberty's Edge

Crystal Frasier wrote:
Cave raptors are sated, so now it is time for blogging!

Are the "cave raptors" you are referring to the company's pets or the Paizo staff themselves? I ask because I've seen pictures of when pizza is delivered....

Liberty's Edge

More Asmodeus.

Liberty's Edge

Han Solo is a b**ch.

Liberty's Edge

James Sutter wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:

If you are talking about a Pathfinder Movie, you are missing some of the most important parts.

Who would play these important characters ...

James L. Sutter

Hmmm ... :D

Oh man... I can't wait to hear the suggestions for this one....

James L. Sutter played by Joe Flanigan.