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![]() Kendra DeBroise Lorrimor wrote: She pleasantly responds to Calin, "Yes, you are welcome to the books. Thank you Father Cristo Galdana." After introductions she lets Calin lead the group as she returns to the library. She already offered the books to your group. There is only one with a clasp that locks. Looking closer at it there is string around it so it doesn't close. I believe those who transcribed/broke the code are no longer with the group. She leaves believing you can find your way. ![]()
![]() Maevus wrote: Normally I would assume the necromancers were after power. But then it wouldn't make much sense to run off with only one spirit while leaving the rest behind. Perhaps the professor interrupted their plans? Maevus turns to Kendra. Did your father happen to mention why he was going to the prison? She shook her head, "I was away for the last few months college of the fine arts. I only took a break for the travesty. Once everything is in order I plan on returning. His journal would be your best bet, Ramada did you have it." If Doctor Ramada has the book he would quickly retrieve it and hand it over. ![]()
![]() Børak wrote: Would the information Ramada is sharing be common knowledge? I believe so, we had said that your newly formed group would meet and discuss what you have learned each dinner. Børak wrote: Setting the dish aside he asks, "Do you know if Drake slept in one of the guest rooms?" Kendra wonders and states, "I don't know. I had assumed you would all take accomodations in a guest room or at least what was suitable to you." ![]()
![]() Doctor Ramada wrote:
Kendra relays with relief from all the sympathy, "I am tired but okay. I will likely try to nap. The nightmare was about a lot of things, I can only vaguely remember a few flashes. Drowning out in the ocean, the unquiet dead, scratches upon metal. No I am not worried about my father, if he gets unburied the sheriff will take care of it. Thank you for your offer and I will take you up on it when I feel the need to do so." ![]()
![]() Børak wrote:
Kendra thanks Borak and Magdali for his aid, "Thanks Borak just set them next to the wash basin. I would gladly accept your aid with the dishes. Where is Drake, I haven't seen him all morning. Magdali would you please clean off the table." ![]()
![]() Visayn wrote: Visayn nods to Nikolay and, before following him out of kitchen to secure room, turns to Kendra "Thank you for your kind hospitality, Kendra. You're a wonderful cook." he says while pouring himself cup of coffee. She quietly responds with, "Your welcome, I am not sure what other things I can offer besides a warm meal and a place to stay." ![]()
![]() The journal was updated 17 days ago, near the day he died. She calmly explains, "I have been away at the academy for the last four months. But look here at the last entries and the others circled in red. The Whispering Way, a cult of necromancers to say the least, he was trying to thwart. They had an interest in Harrowstone and that is where he died. Maybe doing some research on the Whispering Way or those who died in the fire? Feel free to use this library but there are other collections of books that could be useful in researching as well." Research: Using a Knowledge check to research a topic allows the PCs two options—simply making the check to see what a character knows about the topic (this is a free action, but can only be attempted once per character), or spending a day looking through references, books, and other materials (this check can be attempted multiple times, but no more than once per day). There are four locations in Ravengro that can be used to research— Kendra suggests all four, but warns the PCs that the locals might need some convincing before they allow strangers to use their libraries. Using any of these sites to research information about Harrowstone or the Whispering Way allows a character to make Knowledge checks untrained (although doing so negates any bonus on skill checks the research site might provide). The Lorrimor Place:
Kendra offers to let the PCs use her father’s personal library to research, free of charge and regardless of the PCs’ current Trust point total. Lorrimor’s library provides a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks made to research the Whispering Way. Ravengro Town Hall:
The records kept at the town hall provide a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks made to research Harrowstone or the Five Prisoners, but the town council normally does not allow visitors to use the building at all. A DC 25 Diplomacy check is enough to convince the council to let one PC use the site. Once the PCs accumulate at least 31 Trust points, though, the council lets the entire party use the site for research. Temple of Pharasma:
The temple of Pharasma has extensive notes on the town’s history, and is perhaps the best site for research. Using the temple’s records grants a +4 bonus on all Knowledge checks made to research Harrowstone, the Five Prisoners, or the Whispering Way, but securing permission to use this site for research requires a DC 25 Diplomacy check or a Trust score of 30. The Unfurling Scroll:
This building is a combination schoolhouse and magic item shop run by one Alendru Ghoroven; using its small library provides a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks made to research Harrowstone. It cannot be used to research the Whispering Way at all. Alendru asks for a 10 gp payment for each day that he allows anyone to use his school’s resources, unless the PCs reach a Trust point total of 27, at which point he waives the fee and allows PCs to use the library free of charge. Research Topic: Harrowstone
![]() Councilman Vashian looks to Kendra, who thanks him, "Thank you Councilman Vashian, you are dismissed." Putting on a brave face, Kendra thanks you again for coming, and informs you, "I will need at least a few weeks to decide if I want to sell my family home or remain here in Ravengro. In the meantime, as stipulated by the will, I ask that you to remain as well. The rooms in my spacious... house... you may use and meals will be provided for the month. Excuse me I will go fetch the chest mentioned in the will." The chest itself is a relatively small object of oak and iron. Kendra, nervous about the contents, offers the key to the room, stating, ”I will let one of you have the honor of opening the chest.” The key fits the lock perfectly, and within are several old tomes and one relatively new one. The newest tome sits on the top and bears the phrase “Read me now!” scratched into the leather cover. ![]()
![]() Once the pall bearers are decided... Kendra, as the deceased’s closest living relative, has the job of leading the somber procession along the Dreamwake—a gravel pathway that winds through the cemetery. Characters serving as pallbearers are considered to have both hands full as they carry the heavy coffin up the road. As the procession reaches the halfway point along the Dreamwake, rounding a corner onto a path called the Eversleep, you see that the way ahead is blocked by a
Gibs shouts out, “That’s far enough. We been talking, and we don’t want Lorrimor buried in the Restlands. You can take him upriver and bury him there if you want, but he ain’t goin’ in the ground here!” Kendra is swift to respond, her sadness swiftly transforming into anger. “What are you talking about?” she cries out. “I arranged it with Father Grimburrow. He’s waiting for us! The grave’s already been...” Then Gibs quickly retorts, “You don’t get it, woman. We won’t have a necromancer buried in the same place as our kin. I suggest you move out while you still can. Folks are pretty upset about this right now.” Indignantly she spouts out, “Necromancy!? Are you really that ignorant?” There are about two or three dozen folks among the crowd behind Gibs. They hold up their torches and farming equipment ready for a fight. Perception DC 15:
All of them are laborers at local farms or fishermen. sense motive DC 15:
None of them seek to kill the PCs, but they do hope to force the PCs to flee the cemetery. DM notes: If the PCs step in and try to negotiate with the thugs, have the first PC to speak make a Diplomacy check. Any other PC who also speaks up can aid another on the first PC’s Diplomacy check. It’s a DC 20 Diplomacy check to calm the thugs down enough that they sullenly disperse, shooting venomous glances at the PCs and Kendra, but leaving the cemetery nevertheless and allowing the procession to continue. Any hostile act (such as drawing a weapon or casting a spell) is enough to incite the thugs to fight, as is a failed Diplomacy check or allowing the dialogue above to play out to the end. Creatures: There are a dozen men in all in this group— all of them are laborers at local farms or fishermen. None of them seek to kill the PCs, but they do hope to force the PCs to f lee the cemetery. Of course, there’s something more at work here as well—the seeping supernatural inf luence of Harrowstone has spread into Ravengro. As this adventure proceeds, this inf luence grows, but for now it does little more than to give some of the more reactionary or superstitious locals the courage and anger they need to act out on their impulses. Although there are a dozen men in the group, not all of them move toward the PCs—half the group threatens the others in the funeral party or hangs back to shout insults or give encouragement to their allies. Six of the mob attack the PCs with their improvised weapons, striking not to kill but to subdue. The mob’s leader, the elderly Gibs, does not take part in the attack, and f lees the Restlands as soon as it becomes apparent that the PCs are more than a match for the thugs. Most of the others in the procession are not brave enough to enter the fight, either being too old, too cowardly, or too protective of their friends and family to risk battle. They shriek and cower behind the PCs, and f lee back to town as soon as any of them are attacked (regardless of whether the attack hits). Only Kendra stands up to the thugs, her stubborn anger compelling her to join the PCs in the fight. One complication in this confrontation, of course, is the fact that many of the PCs are pallbearers. All of the pallbearers must take a full-round action to lower the coffin—if the PCs wish to do this during the dialogue above, they may do so, but this allows enough time for the dialogue to play out, resulting in a fight. Each time a character lets go of the coffin early, there’s a cumulative 40% chance that the coffin is dropped and poor Petros’s body spills out onto the muddy gravel. If three PCs release the coffin, it automatically falls. If the PCs drop the coffin, they lose 1 Trust point. Ravengro Thugs (6) CR 1/4