KellicRunefist's page

4 posts (96 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Starglim wrote:
Gerrinson wrote:
I guess my question would be this: Why was no one in the party smart enough to pull the rope up and into the rope trick, thus preventing the demons from getting inside of it in the first place?
p.335 wrote:
The rope cannot be removed or hidden.
This has changed from 3.5.

Okay well I guess I'd better chime in since I play the character who did this...

First off I'll set the stage... we are a party with three casters (a druid, fighter/sorcerer, and my straight sorcerer)... we found ourselves teleported to a dwarven stronghold and we set about helping them with defending against a demon invasion...

The first three battles pretty much tapped the casters so we decided to fall back, fortify and rest up. For some reason the dwarves and our two fighters, didn't fortify downstairs at a natural squeeze point...

I did screw up because I cast rope trick thinking of the 3.5 version where you can pull the rope up... but oh well...

so the demons swarm in and kill both our fighers and the 30 dwarves in 4 rounds (seriously, 4 rounds... our main fighter got one attack and then failed a save and just got beet down).

So then it was ruled that the demons knew where we had rope tricked because they could read the fighter's mind... even though we hid down stairs behind the stairs...

Anyway, this is how the fight went:

Round 1:
Arkham casts scorching ray and deals low damage
Thune transforms in to a rock elemental
Raw casts shield (I think)
Vrock starts to dance as a second one enters

ROund 2:
THune summons an elemental
Arkham casts cone of cold, but it is clear that they are out matched
Raw attacks, does decent damage
Second vrock starts its dance
Succubus enters and Dominates Raw (telling him that there is no reason to fight)

Round 3:
Thune has his elemental attack and falls back on Arkhams orders before casting cloud of fog
Arkham calls for Raw to fall back, but he is lost to the Succubus and crosses to kiss her
Knowing all is lost, Arkham casts rope trick into his bag of holding, opening a rift to the Astral Plane that sucks Thune and him in, destroying the bag but saving them.
Arkham's parting words are "I'm sorry Raw, there is nothing more I can do..."

Rounds 4-9:
Raw makes out with the Succubus, draining him on a level each round and then the Vrock has a snack...

So basically we were facing a DM who wanted to restart the campaign... I figured go out with a bang... and something that made for a cool story... we could have dispelled the ropetrick and THune would have fled using his pass thru stone ability. I may not have made it, but with Stone skin on, I would have a good chance on making it to the fighters body and using a teleportation item he had, but at the time I figured go EPIC...

Making rulings as far as how MAGIC works should always follow the rules where they are laid out, but also be in the nature of the game... fantasy and having fun...

So yes you could rule that "it didn't work, you all die..."

Or you can rule "In a blast that rips apart time and space you and Thune are sucked into an opening in reality itself! Will you survive the Astral Plane? ... that my friends is a tale for another day!!!"

Your choice...

gbonehead wrote:
Brent Watts wrote:
Arnwyn wrote:
I'm guessing he doesn't have an electronic copy of the adventure...

no i don't... I like having the hard copy. I will check out the image extractor for other stuff tho.


It would be nice if the maps were available as a free download on the site.

Subscribe. Then the maps are a free download.

Yeah I can do that... but my point is that I saw the adventure in the store, read the back and thought it sounded cool. Paid the $20 for it and then opened the sealed pack to find that it "recommends" spending another $15 for the outpost map and then I can download the pdf for another $15 so that I can print them off... after I take them into photoshop to resize. A bit of a pain in the @ss if you ask me... not to mention the extra cost when I thought I was buying a complete product. I'd gladly pay a bit more up front to get the maps and player handouts included in the hard copy.

Arnwyn wrote:
I'm guessing he doesn't have an electronic copy of the adventure...

no i don't... I like having the hard copy. I will check out the image extractor for other stuff tho.


It would be nice if the maps were available as a free download on the site.


So I just bought the adventure path and I'm a bit disappointed to see a complete lack of pullouts to give to the players. No player maps, no handouts (I'll have to photocopy I guess) and having to buy another product to get the mini maps isn't great. Are the encounter maps at least available to download? So I can print them in color? I don't have a color photocopier...
