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So, maybe I missed the answer to this question somewhere, as I'm finding the rule book difficult to navigate, but after spending entirely too much time flipping through the book and not finding the answer even after doing a forum search, I still can't figure out how to specifically calculate spell save DCs.

I assume it's like AC, thus a base of 10 + ability mod + proficiency, but it's not actually spelled out anywhere that I can find. In the character class descriptions, it refers me to page 291 for the rules on calculating DCs. And indeed on that page it mentions that I could add my proficiency to spell save DCs, but it doesn't tell me the base of that save. A little later on in that chapter, it talks about AC and TAC and refers back to page 16, which is where it is mentioned the base for AC is 10, but nothing is ever said about spell save DCs. Nothing I can find in the spell chapter was any help. Even the character sheet, which helpfully indicates a base of 10 for class DC and AC, is completely silent on the spell DC section of what the base should be.

I apologize if they're someplace obvious in the book and I just can't find them, but any help someone could give me to directing me to the page with the rule on it would be most appreciated.