Full Name |
Keilaantara 'Marukh; Keilaantara the Voidflayed |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Oracle of Bones 1 |HP: 9/9|AC: 15|T:11|FF:14|CMB: +0|CMD: 12|F:+1|R:+1|W:+1|Init:+1|Perception: +0|Status: Irritated.] |
Gender |
Female |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
27 |
Special Abilities |
She'll put the fear of Death into ya. |
Alignment |
Lawful/Neutral |
Deity |
n/a |
Location |
At the back of the group. |
Languages |
Common; Undercommon, Infernal; Aklo; Draconic, Aquan |
Occupation |
Doomsaying prophetess, freelance legbreaker/debt collector. |
Strength |
12 |
Dexterity |
13 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
15 |
Wisdom |
9 |
Charisma |
16 |
About Keilaantara 'Marukh
Human Oracle 1
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses -; Perception +0
AC: 15 Touch: 11 Flat-footed: 14
HP: 9
For: +1/Ref: +1/Wil: +1
Speed 30'
Melee: Club +1 (d6+1/20) or Dagger +1 (d4+1/19-20; cold iron)
Ranged: Sling +1 (d4+1/20)
Special Attacks: Sarcasm, Pointed Glares, Sharp Silences
Spells/Day: 4 orisons, 4 1st-level
Spells Known:
Orisons: create water, detect magic, detect poison, light
1st-level: cure light wounds, hide from undead, murderous command
Str: 12 Dex: 13 Con: 12 Int: 15 Wis: 9 Cha: 16
Base Attack +0; CMB +0; CMD: 12
Feats: Cosmopolitan, Deceitful
Skills: bluff+9, disguise+9, intimidate+10, knw/planes+6, pfm/strings+7, sense motive+3, spellcraft+6, stealth+5
Languages: Common, Infernal, Undercommon; Aklo; Aquan, Draconic
Traits: Scarred, Armor Expert
Curse: Tongues (Aklo)
Revelations: Near Death (+2 vs. disease, mind-affecting effects, and poison)
Studded Leather Armor
Sling, (10) bullets
Dagger (cold iron)
(4) Sacks
(7 days') Trail Rations
48 cp
53 sp
42 gp
Flint and Steel
Wooden Holy Symbol of Pharasma
Harp (common)
Harp case (used backpack cost, weight)
Cleric's Vestments (Pharasma)
Entertainer's Outfit
Explorer's Outfit
Traveler's Outfit
It is possible that she was once pretty; not a dazzling beauty, but pleasing to the eye of even the most finicky aesthete. Her waist-length, black hair and jade-green eyes remain testaments to her former desireability. Even her golden skin, where it is not drawn into the jagged lines of the green scars which are the sign of her passage into Prism, echoes her old appeal. But those twisted, glyph-like markings make her a fearsome figure now.
Slight (5'4") and slim (119#), Keilaan keeps her hair bound up in a bun, secured with iron-and-brass chopsticks, granting any who glance in her direction a full view of the savage reaving she suffered in reaching Prism. [Those who know the Aklo tongue, particularly, may spend some time convinced that her scars are the writing of some alien pen on the parchment of her face and neck.]
Her usual dress is black, relieved by bits of green and yellow, in the style of (insert "eastern"-setting kingdom).
Her voice is a deep contralto, resonant of pain and pride.
Keilaan is a strange woman; many have remarked how her suffering has made her cold. These are the uninformed, however, as she was always aloof and odd. She rather enjoys the fright she can inspire, though she is often absently-friendly to those with whom she regularly interacts. Seemingly distracted by some view of the spirit world, she often converses with the denizens of the Invisible Realms, or nods in time to music heard by no breathing man. She cultivates an aura of danger and secrecy, a poise of knowing, perhaps, more than those who do not share her vision.
Music, magic, and food are the three subjects which may elicit a forthright pleasure in conversation with her; she is a passable harpist, enjoys magical "shop talk" with users of divine and arcane magic, and delights in well-prepared cuisines of all nations and ethnicities.
She DOES have a morbid turn of humor; her Mystery encourages a rather macabre view of the living, and an interest in the dead.
Keilaan's family are mortuary attendants; she has been aware of death as a resource from childhood. That she now draws upon the powers of the Bones is hardly surprizing to her family and childhood friends. She has also lost many to death; famine and disease, and wars, have haunted her by reducing those around her to ghosts and memories.
From her earliest childhood, Keilaan has felt drawn towards her current estate. First, learning the rites and rituals of the embalmers' trade, while also striving against hunger and sickness. Then, serving in the temple as a performer in the mourning rites. Likely it was on the temple stage that she began to separate her feelings from the fates of those around her; pretending to a grief she would not feel was part of her duties.
The Mystery descended upon her in her seventeenth year; a great quake shook the region, and the resultant collapse of a large section of the temple left her trapped in the catacombs of the ancient dead for several days. She emerged, dug out by villagers and priests, babbling prophecy in the Aklo tongue, and firmly in the grip of the Bones' power.
Visions and mad dreams have driven her across the world, from catastrophe to cataclysm. Often, the vague directions drafted from her dreams have dragged her to battles and abbatoirs, leading her through an appalling litany of endings for so many lives. She joined the Pathfinders on a visionary whim, strangely certain that her personal path would walk with the organization. Her passage to Prism, to investigate the plague, seems a natural progression along her long road of watching death's progress.