Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells

Kegani's page

4 posts. Organized Play character for BrisingrChetowa.


Liberty's Edge

So I'm about to start DMing a campaign of Kingmaker. I'm still reading through and learning about it as best I can. However, one of my players (who played the video game version) wants to be a Champion of the Lantern King. I don't know much yet, but I know the Lantern King is involved in the story overall. Are there any pitfalls or issues I should know about?

Liberty's Edge

As bad as all that is, I still find the bait and switch itself the most disappointing part. Moving Wish or Time Stop up to level 10, hey, I don’t like it, but so be it. But the whole thing I got excited about was NEW, top tier spells. Something fascinating and tantalizing to make reaching such end game content worth it. Instead, it’s just the same spells with disappointing restrictions.

It’s like buying a sequel or DLC for a video game and finding out it’s nerfed your gameplay for the sake of nerfing. Because, why not?

Liberty's Edge

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So what I’m hearing is...why bother with 2E?

Liberty's Edge

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While many things in the play test were fascinating for me, the one big pull was “10th level spells.” What could they be? What cool, powerful new spells could wizards aspire to reach?

Oh. Level 9 spells. Huh. That’s...disappointing.

I didn’t realize Paizo was reading the “College Textbook” playbook.

Developer 1: Hey, you know what would be a great way to make more money? Let’s shuffle everything around into new chapters, maybe change things around a bit, and sell it!

Developer 2: But how will we convince everyone to buy it? It’s basically the same thing.

Developer 1: Don’t worry! We’ll make it a requirement to switch to the new version for any future modules! And hey, I’ve been talking to EA and Bungie. We could even do the same with our supplemental books! Let’s just shuffle and resell them, too!

Bait and switch. I can live without future modules, but I’m good on this rehash.