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Keer Crevlis's page

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My Group started out as:

Human (Shoanti) Fighter
Human (Varisian) Sorcerer
Human (Varisian) Alchemist
Half Elf Druid/Packlord

Burnt Offerings

The Alchemist wasn't working out, he kept throwing bombs into melee combat during the Goblin attack on Sandpoint,so,the party picked up a Rogue that was a friend of said Alchemist when the alchemist decided to open up his own shop in town. By the end of the first chapter the player playing the Druid decide that he wanted to try something a little less complicated than the Packlord (this is the first time he has played pen & paper) so the Druid went back home to the Elven Forrest and Hemlock's Ranger friend came to help solve the murders at the sawmill.

During Burnt Offerings the Fighter kept doing guard duty (player not coming to game and not sure how reliable he will be for the rest of the AP). So, to level out the party we spent the last session reworking the party dynamics. So what was decided was that the Rogue changed his character to a Magus and the Sorcerer changed to a Paladin. I will be spending the next 2 weeks figuring out how to bring in the two new characters into the party. So here is what We are Playing with as of now.

The Start of The Skinsaw Murders

Varisian Ranger (Sandpoint Native)
Varisian Magus (Sandpoint Native)
Aasimar Paladin (Deverin Family member from Magnimar)
Shoanti Fighter? (Native to the Area)

Not meaning to back track, but what I did for my PC's for HP was give max HP for 1st-2nd levels and then 75% of the die code from then on out plus their con. It makes for hardier PC's and I do not have to "pull" punches when an NPC Crits or gets a lot of good rolls for saves. BTW, if the die is an odd one i.e. d10 they get 7 at odd levels and 8 at even levels. It works pretty good for us.

What about having them take a trait? Such as making a trait for someone with a Dragon in their family tree, that manifest through the PC's Bloodline. Here's my idea: A Dragon blood trait that allows a PC to grow d4 claws and if they have the draconic bloodline they can use them at will and gain a step in die code. It also works with other classes that gain some type of claws or similar ability.

The PC in my game is wanting to take it so they gain a more permanent version of the claws, because they are planning on taking the Dragon Disciple Prestige Class and want to use their claws as a Secondary/Off-Hand weapon and want to be able to upgrade the damage through the class ability.

My question is about the feat Aspect of the Beast. There are special rules for Rangers and Lycans to take the feat without the prerequisites, so what about a character that has taken the Draconic Blood line power for Sorcerer? Should they be allowed to take the feat to manifest their claws?