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I was searching through Alien Archive and noticed that the endbringer evil and the two orocorans have resolve points, but I couldn't find any abilities that used resolve points. (Also, the stated guideline suggests orocorans should have 4 RP.) Is there an ability I missed? Or do these aliens have RP just because? Or should they not have them? (I found these, and am curious about these, because I'm working on a computer program to help write up aliens using the guidelines <unabashed plug>, and found these examples when trying to determine when to display RP in the statblock.)
OK. So, here goes. If all is set up as I think it is, sfnc is a Java program that can create NPC or alien stat blocks from user input. From the link above, you'll need to put all the files in the same directory for it to run correctly. (The "fred.sfnc" file is an example NPC, so it's not strictly necessary.) It isn't (yet) fully-featured, but it can do enough to make simple aliens. I haven't done class grafts, templates, or spells yet, or specific weapons, and many special abilities are just names and don't display all the info the stat block would. If you have any requests or suggestions, please let me know. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. [If the question starts with "Why didn't you ...", the answer is probably, "Because I don't know any better."] If you're interested in the source code, please look at my github repository.
Inspired by Rawr!'s Rawr! Monsters! thread, I've decided to (try to) post one monster a day for November, using the NPC/alien creator in Alien Archive. This partially an exercise for me in getting used to the new monster creation rules. Anyway, here's the first creature: the Fire Wasp (CR 1/3).
For designers and developers: How did you handle PCs recharging batteries in your campaigns? There is a rule, and expense, for recharging batteries quickly. But in a campaign, with hours/days/weeks/months of downtime, are PCs expected to pay this amount for recharging batteries, or is it assumed they can recharge them on their spaceship, or from their friendly party-member technomancer, or some such thing? How did you have it work in the campaigns you ran? I know that, as GM, I can decide how easily I want my PCs to be able to recharge their batteries, and adjust things accordingly. I would like to know if/how I'm changing things from the assumed base line, though. I'm hoping that, since this isn't asking for any specific, hard-coded rule, this question might get answered by a designer or developer earlier than an official FAQ/errata question. Of course, if anyone wants to chime in on how you've handled recharging batteries in your campaigns so far, and how well it's worked, I'd love to hear that, too.
I've decided to work up the summoning stat blocks for my own use, and I figure I may as well share them once I have them. My Starfinder Summons directory contains Open Document Text files and PDFs for the four types of elementals that can be summoned. I even included the Greater variety as a bonus! A few assumptions I made:
I intend to work up the rest of the summons, too, but I wouldn't feel comfortable releasing them until after Alien Archive has officially hit the store shelves. Assuming I get them done by then. (This will include the specific creatures on the list in addition to the "generic" summons.) However, I wanted to check with you all to see what mistakes I made, or if there are improvements that you would like to see. Also, while I'm at it, would you like to see Greater versions of the "generic" summons, even thought they're not on the summon monster list? Let me know what you think.
So, I had this thought earlier today, and I don't think I've seen it expressed anywhere else. The PC version of races and the "monster" version of races are different. How feasible might it be for there to be racial archetypes (in the Starfinder sense of archetypes) to bring the PC version closer to the "monster" version? I'll use the haan as an example. All characters will naturally get better AC, saves, and HP, so that's probably not an issue. All I think they need is (a) full flight, (b) the balloon attack, and (c) firespray all day long. Give those at the appropriate levels, possibly in increments, and the PC haan is much closer to the full haan. Without seeing the rules, it's hard for me to tell what levels these would be appropriate at, but (a) seems to fall in place early for Starfinder, and (c) could be judged by what level a similar weapon would be. For (b), maybe there's a vaguely similar spell that could be used as a guideline. Thoughts? Edit: Oops, I forgot (d) the claw attack. I'm sure that can be worked in somewhere.
It seems some people (including myself) don't like the idea that traveling in the Drift causes chunks of other planes to be pulled into the Drift. A thought I had [and there's no guarantee that it's an original thought]: What if it isn't traveling through the Drift that causes problems, but that the Drift is pulling pieces of other places into itself whether or not travel happens? Another thought to add to that one: What if Drift beacons stabilize the Drift and make it less likely to pull in chunks of other planes, at least nearby? It wouldn't help those who dislike the idea that the Drift pulls in other planes at all, but it might be a way to keep the same mechanics for the Drift without causing angst to Good-aligned characters who don't want to help destroy the multiverse.
Because the discussion has to go somewhere, and all these androids and shirren (shirrens?) are making it more necessary. Paul Watson wrote:
At the point where it's referring to a specific individual, and not a generic "somebody". So, how does one use a pronoun to refer to a specific individual of unknown/nonstandard sex/gender? Suggestions?
I'm GMing a game right now, and I've run across a bit of a trilemma. It also is an example of different valid approaches to how to play a role-playing game, and I thought there might be some interesting discussion. Here's the situation (simplified and modified for the boards): The PCs have been tracking down a Magic MacGuffin that generates monsters. They've come across the building which houses it. They've decided to rest for the night before going in. This means that monsters will be generated during the night. [The monsters now being generated are intelligent and organized, so they won't wander about randomly, waking up parties of PCs that happen to be nearby.] I need to decide how to handle it. Here are the three choices I see:
The main advantage of the first is that it's less work for me. But it leaves me with the feeling that I'm making the players' choices not mean anything. The main disadvantage of the second is that the result will be unpredictable: it could end up much more dangerous that what I had originally planned, even unbeatable, or even slightly weaker than I planned. The main disadvantage of the third is that trying to determine what would be the most fun is very difficult. Also, it feels artificial if I make sure the final result is something they'll be able to handle. So, what should I do? Make it easy on myself and not change anything? Use the rules previously decided and let the dice fall where they may? Carefully craft what I think will be the most entertaining experience for the players? I know people will have differing opinions on this, and I'd like to hear them all. I also know that there's no wrong way to go. But I think seeing a variety of viewpoints on this will help me make a better decision.
SONG OF THE HORIZON WALKER I was totin' my pack along the dusty Lamasara road,
I've been to:
[Chorus] I've been to:
[Chorus] I've been to:
[Chorus] I've been to:
[Chorus] (I've been everywhere)
I've been trying to keep track, mentally, of how many projects and products Dreamscarred Press is in the middle of designing and developing. I gave up, and decided to make a list instead.
Which ones am I missing?
Due to random curiosity mixed with insomnia, I've created a list that (very) arguably presents the most popular 3PP products. Behold! Methodology:
I found all the "This Week in Paizo" e-mails that I managed to save, and looked at the "Top Downloads from Other Companies" list. I gave 10 points to first place, 9 to second, all the way down to 1 point for tenth place. I added up the results. The lists contain the 10 products and 10 publishers with the highest scores. Disclaimers:
There are many:
Link to Data:
You can download the Open Document Spreadsheet of the data, and my analysis, to work on it yourself. I intend to keep it updated as new information (or old information) comes in. Top 10 Products:
If one wishes to ignore the Pathfinder Legends series, add Path of War (69 points) and Advanced Bestiary (67 points) to the list. Top 10 Publishers:
If one wishes to ignore Big Finish Productions (makers of the Pathfinder Legends series), add Green Ronin Press (68 points) to the list.
I was skimming through Spheres of Power yesterday (I still haven't read it thoroughly yet), and a thought for a campaign world came up: What if everyone in the world had Spheres of Power-style magic? And I mean every sapient being has at least a little bit of magic, and other styles of magic/spellcasting aren't available. Would one be able to make pretty much general PC character type with just the eleven base classes in the book? I'm a bit concerned about skill-heavy characters, or if concepts like "raging" or "nature warrior" are covered, or even if they are necessary. But, like I said, I've only skimmed the book. Maybe all the needed stuff is there. It might even be covered in the "Using This Book" section. [I do know about the conversion archetypes, but I'd prefer to avoid those, if possible.] I'd probably want to make an NPC class (or three—commoner, expert, adept). Other than that, what might be needed? What might be useful? I'm sure some of you are far more familiar with Spheres of Power than I am. If there seems to be enough interest, I might do some sort of play-by-post here using the idea.
Paizo web site wrote:
Either there's a typo in the maintenance announcement, or Paizo is going for some seriously long-term planning. Spoiler:
The next time February 25th is on a Wednesday is in 2026. If it means to say "Monday, May 25" instead, there's not much time left 'til that happens.
I've been playing around with the amalgam template from Advanced Bestiary, trying to get used to how it works, and I came up with a few creatures. Feel free to check to see if I used the template correctly, if the stats look good (especially CR), and how you might tweak them. Also, feel free to post your own amalgams! Note: I can't guarantee all the numbers add up correctly. In particular, I probably messed up CMB and CMD, and I may have forgotten to add in class skill bonuses on some of the creatures. I also didn't reiterate special ability wordings, unless the special ability changed significantly.
Inspired by a recent thread, I went looking at NeoExodus again. It's been in the back of my mind for a while, and there are parts of it that seem interesting. But, when I read the blurb for it on the online stores, I can't tell what the setting is about. Other than a few clues in the description, I don't know what makes it different from a standard fantasy setting. So, sell me on it. Tell me what makes NeoExodus special. Tell me what it will give me that no other setting will. Why do I want to buy it?
I've been hearing a lot of praise about Deep Magic. And, there's a lot to like about it; after all, it contains the spell burning monkey swarm. Burning monkey swarm! I now realize what I've wanted to do all my life is make a sorcerer specializing in burning monkey swarm. But, I do want to register my disappointment with how much of this book is closed content. I must admit, I half-expected something like this, but I was hoping for the best. Here are the relevant entries on the credits page: Deep Magic credit page wrote:
The first paragraph I have very little problem with; some of the sidebars contain "crunch" game material, but otherwise it's all good. The second paragraph leads to disappointment and concern.Here are some examples:
I'm hoping that most of this is an oversight, and can be rectified at the same time you're fixing (other?) typographical errors. Or maybe all other publishers have to do to use such content is request it, and permission will be freely granted. I guess I'll find out.
I think I'll join in on the fun this year. I'll be gifting six (6) copies of the Psionics Unleashed PDF. First come, first served, assuming I can figure out this "wish list" thing. Note that I have an ulterior motive: I want more people to try out Dreamscarred Press psionics. So, no exchanges for Psionics Expanded, Psionics Augmented, or other products. :-)
I had this thought pop in my mind when reading the thread about what people don't like about Golarion. What if ... one gave long-maturing races an extra Profession/Craft skill rank for every, say, 20 extra years they have on humans? They'd still be limited to 1 rank per level, like everyone else, and it would reflect their background as having lots of years to learn things. One might also toss in some other skills (some of the low-impact Knowledges, maybe?), or give the option for players to start younger by giving up some of the extra skill ranks.
I must admit: I'm not much of a Cthulhu or H. P. Lovecraft fan. I've never read the stories, and don't really understand the appeal of dread and hopelessness. But, for those of you who do, there's a Kickstarter project to put a bronze bust of H. P. Lovecraft in the Providence Athenaeum Library. You may want to check it out. And "Providence Athenaeum Library" is a great name for a library.
[My apologies if this is in the wrong place; I couldn't find a Conventions section.] I'm considering going to the Origina Game Fair this year. What sort of presence will Paizo and/or Pathfinder have there? In particular:
I'm considering going to Origins this year, but I don't know much about it. What's it like? Does it have a particular feel/flavor? In particular, I've gone to GenCon a couple of times; how do the two compare? What sort of companies have a presence there, and what sort of offerings do they offer? I've tried looking at their web page, but I couldn't find much useful information about 2013's show there.
Some archetypes/alternate classes get to choose a different type of mount (or animal companion) at later levels than at earlier. Is the effective druid level reduced for such critters? For example: A gnome samurai can choose a boar mount at 4th level (but not at 1st level). Would the samurai's effective druid level for that mount be 1, or 4? As official an answer as possible would be appreciated, since it's for a character generator computer program. (I have mine own opinion, but that's just an opinion.)
For the geisha bard archetype, what is a "monk weapon"? Is it a weapon a monk gets proficiency in? Is it a weapon with the "monk" special ability? Either? Both? Something else? Can a geisha choose a hand axe as her weapon? (Monks are proficient, but it doesn't have the "monk" ability.) Can a geisha choose a butterfly sword? (It has the "monk" ability, but monks apparently aren't automatically proficient.)
Can an alchemist take two archetypes that both reduce the die size of their bombs? For example, in Ultimate Magic, both the Clone Master archetype and the Reanimator archetype reduce bomb damage by one die size. Otherwise, they don't interfere with each other. Can an alchemist take both, and have the standard bombs do Nd3 damage? (This may also apply to other alchemist archetypes that I don't know about, or haven't been published yet.)
I've (finally) started looking at archetypes; specifically the ones in Ultimate Magic. And I noticed something that I'm not sure how to interpret. In the very first archetype I found. The chirurgeon archetype for the alchemist loses the poison resistance +4 ability, but not the poison resistance +6 ability. When a chirurgeon hits 8th level, would he have a +2 bonus, a +4 bonus, or a +6 bonus? My assumption is that he would have a +4 bonus, but I don't know for sure.
The Arsinoitherium animal companion lists "trample" as a special ability, but it doesn't list how much damage the trample does. How much damage should it do? The rules say it should be the same as the creature's slam damage, but an arsinoitherium doesn't have a slam attack. Some options:
Any ideas?
In the Bestiary 2, all of the proteans have a form of change shape in their stat blocks. However, the protean subtype also lists a form of change shape which acts differently from the usual change shape.[1] Is the stat block change shape supposed to further clarify (and, for the voidworm, override) the change shape from the subtype? Or do they have two different change shape abilities? If it's the former, it seems strange that an imp can change into various shapes all day, but a protean can't. On the other hand, having two change shape abilities is kind of weird, too. [1]Specifically, it's limited to 1/day, and has a heal effect attached to changing back. And it has different limits (or lack thereof) on what shape it can change into.
Barring special abilities, a charge must be made in a straight line. Could a character (perhaps an opponent of a barbarian using ride-by attack with a really fast mount) ready an action to move just after the character charges, thus taking himself out of the line of the charge, rendering the charge useless?
While reading the "PrCs are good"/"PrCs are bad" threads, a thought came to me: could a five-level prestige class be simulated through three prerequisite-heavy feats, ordered in some sort of feat chain, along with a paragraph or two of "fluff" covering the idea? I worked up a quick example. Edit: It struck me that some people might not realize this is an implementation of the Argent Savant from WotC's Complete Arcane. Credit where credit is due.
Force Attack
Force Defense
Force Disjunction
Thanks to several days worth of insomnia, I finished a spreadsheet comparing the "Monster Statistics by CR" chart on p. 291 of the Bestiary with the actual monsters in the Bestiary. It has given me greater insight as to what is deemed "allowable" for monsters of certain CRs, and more confidence in my ability to make mine own monsters. The spreadsheet is in Open Document Spreadsheet form, made in OpenOffice. It should open in Excel 2010, although you'll lose the conditional formatting (highlighting stats that are particularly high or low compared to the chart). Conclusions I've made:
Other people might find the spreadsheet useful, and I'm interested in what other people might think about it. And there's a challenge: [at least] one of the monsters is listed under the wrong CR, according to the stat block. Can you find it? [It had the wrong CR in the "Monsters by CR" index in the back.]
This came up in a (3.5) game a little while ago, and I thought I'd ask: is the ice from a wall of ice spell opaque, transparent, or somewhere in between? Or can you choose? In particular, does it affect line of sight? It isn't specified in the spell. My assumption was "no", but I don't really know for sure.
As I understand it, alchemists don't technically cast spells, so they don't technically have a caster level. So, aside from their built-in Brew Potion ability, they'd need Master Craftsman in order to make other magic items. Does that sound correct? Also, since alchemists don't technically cast spells, they don't have the spell prerequisites for potions (or other items), so they will always have a tougher DC to aim for, compared to a spell caster. Does that sound correct? If so, how unbalancing would it be to allow them to use their extracts as spell prerequisites, to avoid the increased DC?
The Aspect of the Beast feat (from the Advanced Player's Guide) allows a character one choice of four abilities. It does not have a Special entry that allows it to be taken more than once (unlike, say, Weapon Focus). My question: Would you allow a character to take it more than once to pick up more than one of the special abilities (one per feat)? I don't see any problems with allowing it, but there may be something I'm missing. |