Keal's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


My friends and I lost all hope the moment micro-transaction was mentioned. Sadly it looks like we're going to pass on this game.

Zaister wrote:
This is a slightly rambling post. I have zero experience with MMOs so I don't know the jargon at all. What does "theme park" mean in this context? Or "sandbox"?

Theme park means you have the game it self, and a set amount of content or rides to make it easier to understand. Like one ride is a dungeon with 5 bosses, and another one maybe a cave with a boss dragon. If you understand what I mean.

Sandbox is more of a make your own content. Basically go outside and play in the sandbox. Build your own house, city, etc.

I may have just confused people more.

Other theme park MMOs are World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, Rift, Aion, Final Fantasy 11 and 14, Lord of the Rights Online, Dungeon and Dragons Online. I can't really think of anymore off of the top of my head.

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My friends and I have been waiting years for a MMO like this. Can't wait!