Kazumetsa's page

Organized Play Member. 226 posts (1,917 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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Dabbler wrote:
Kazumetsa wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
You know, that makes me think there must be room for an undead-themed monk archetype. That way the capstone could make you undead with a twist, similar to the immortal capstone some other monk archetypes have - rather than reincarnating, you become a lich and can regenerate yourself through a phylactery...
Hungry Ghost Monk?
I was thinking something more....undeady. Sort of like a necromancer path monk, if you get my meaning.

Aaahhh. I got you. I'm sure some more archetypes for the monk wouldn't hurt :)*envelopes self in wishful thinking*

Dabbler wrote:
You know, that makes me think there must be room for an undead-themed monk archetype. That way the capstone could make you undead with a twist, similar to the immortal capstone some other monk archetypes have - rather than reincarnating, you become a lich and can regenerate yourself through a phylactery...

Hungry Ghost Monk?

Thanks dude. I looked into it and did the Math for 10/10 druid/monk vs a 12/8 druid/monk and the 12/8 takes the cake.

I wish i could obtain Ki Leech but I am at a loss for that. I'm sure with everything else I gain it'll far surpass the importance of Ki Leech.

Thanks a lot W01fe01!!

Thanks Imbicatus! I can always count on your input.

Also after looking over it, I'll stay a Standard Druid with the Plant Domain.

It all just looks so damn good >_>

You guys/gals are AWESOME!!

Thank you so much. If I could give a rating to people on the forums, you'd all have the maximum possible.

Now this build is entirely plausible and my Vanaras Qinggong Monk is going to be SUPER happy. Now this is the kind of flavor I wanted - my style :3

Even though I don't plan on using natural attacks, it sounds like Feral Combat Training would be a smart investment regardless of what I think.

5.) Can a druid in his/her form actually still use a "Style" form?

I'm slowly creating a 10monk/10druid, monk being Qinggong.

I'll be a huge + strong jaw flurrying monk once wildshaped, with the snake style suite, improved trip, vicious stomp, etc. Disarming, pummeling, tripping, some spells here and there etc.

I'm wondering some things though to help me really fine tune this dude.

1.) One can Flurry whilst in Wildshape correct? From what I've read I can still flurry with my IUS, I just can't combine/replace that with any natural attacks from my form without the feral combat training.

2.) What archetype if any should I take with my Druid? There are so many I'm slightly overwhelmed and I don't know what would benefit my build.

3.) Once I run into an animal, I can take it's shape correct? Once I have acquired that shape, and lets say my Wildshape grows, could I take a Huge form of that original beast? Or would I have to actually meet with a Huge version of that beast first?

4.) Any suggestions outside of my first 3 questions would be great.

Perhaps I should just go with Wolf Domain instead of one of the Shaman archetypes?

I was honestly just making sure I can go Huge something, and somehow get Greater Trip. Unfortunately I don't have the Int or Combat Expertise for it to take it as a feat.

Are there any Huge sized Wolves or Wolf types in the Rise of the Runelords campaign that a Druid could take form of at some point?

Aaaahhhh Ptototype00. I knew youd chime in. You're the one that inspired my curiousity in this build :)

For my Vanaras, this druid investment would actually make sense to boot, since he's from the wild and all.

@Rudolf, the question being whether or not the two classes meld well together. It seems the meld incredibly well, but I wanted to make sure I'm not missing something detrimental. 20 Monk is nice, but poopoo damage and team support aside from disarming or tripping. Honestly combined or seperate both of these classes have fantastic defensive abilities. SR is meh... my DM ruled it as Harmless will bypass if wanted, by otherwise I'd have to take a couple turns to drop it and bring it back up. If it's more along a 10/10 or 12/8 build the monk gets the majority of his flurry attacks +some and the ravenous fist damage of being huge + strong jaw. It all just seems to good to be true :P

@Prototype00, it makes sense to me dude. Headbutt ftw! Plus if I change into a Huge Ape that clearly has fists... not that I'm trying to go all DBZ Oozaru or anything...

gnomersy wrote:
Are you just starting at 20? Because the level order is going to get pretty important to keep you from having really bad spikes in your power level.

I'm just looking at the longterm right now. I'm sure I can rearrange it to climb smoothly.

Is that a necessity for using my IUS damage and strikes? I don't plan on using natural attacks at all honestly.

Is a Qinggong Monk-10/(not sure what arch)Druid-10 a pretty good idea overall? They seem to synergize fairly well, especially if one is focused on Improved Unarmed Strike damage and one can acquire Monk's Robe + Monastic Legend, Shaping Focus, and Natural Spell. The AC would be all around pretty high. Everything seems to fit pretty well with one another... Discuss?

That Colossal damage would be insane by itself, and even moreso with combined feats and whatnot. I'm curious as to what it would actually be.

As a Medium monk, at level 20 effectively(robes and monastic), damage would be 2d10 per hit. After wild shaping into a Huge creature, and then using Strong Jaw, what would that 2d10 escalate to(I think that leaves it at Colossal)?

Weirdo wrote:
Kazumetsa wrote:
2. There is a feat to use natural attacks INSTEAD of weapons/unarmed for flurry, but not a combination of both. I can't remember the name of it...
Feral Combat Training.

Bwaaaahhh. Thanks Dude! That is it :)


BigNorseWolf wrote:
Aris Kosmopoulos wrote:
Lets say that we have a monk PC that has multiclassed into the Druid class. Let's not talk about how serious this is and if this is realistic.

Its one of the more realistic multiclass combos, at least as far as flavor text goes. Monks spend a lot of time meditating in the woods, under waterfalls, contemplating the leaves of lotus blossoms. Its not unrealistic to expect some contact and interaction between the two, one a particular devotee finding deeper meaning in the druids oneness with nature. They also have one compatible alignment: LN

So do you lose:
1) AC bonus (Ex)?

Nope: Its a class ability, not a form ability. You are still wise, prescient, and able to get the hell out of the way.

In 3.5 it might have been worth it to dip into monk for a level for the ac bonus just so you could be slightly harder to hit than the broadside of a barn, but in pathfinder there's a number of ways to keep your ac.

2) Flurry of Blows (Ex)?

.. this is a weird one. Mechanically yes, as long as you're not clawing or biting you can still punch kick and headbutt. Kung fu panda away.

3) Fast Movement (Ex)?

Keep it. Its an enhancement bonus to their land speed, and its not derived from their form.

Thank you. This makes much more sense. I would have to completely agree with all of that. I was greatly debating Monk/Druid myself.

1. Agreed. Just because you're in a different form as an animal, doesn't lower your intelligence to it's level. It would still apply as you would still be the same old monk with the same reflexes and insight.

2. There is a feat to use natural attacks INSTEAD of weapons/unarmed for flurry, but not a combination of both. I can't remember the name of it...

3. Agreed again.

Thank you so very much all! I was looking into the whole combination of Druid10/Monk10 and seeing if I can really get a crazy amount of attacks at 12d8 each. I believe the first time I saw the build it was mentioned by Prototype00 somewhere on these forums.

Most excellent. Thank you.

Two last questions -

3.) Can Flurry of Blows be combined to include Natural Attacks(like claw/bite/whatever) into a Full Attack?

4.) Can TWF in combination with FoB increase the amount of attacks per Full Attack?

For some reason I'm hitting an empty spot in my brain on this question...

1.) If I multiclass as something other than Monk, does my Flurry of Blows continue to climb in regards to how many attacks I would get to make?

2.) If I multiclass as something other than Monk, does my Flurry of Blows continue to climb in regards to it's Flurry BAB?

I would go with what is on the website personally. 30 ft speed of Climbing isn't exactly game breaking and it coincides with the typical 30 feet medium humanoid speed(usually anyways). If it were flying, I would say go with the lower speed.

They would indeed add the +8 in.

I play a Vanaras Qinggong Monk and trust me, that Climb is useful(on occasion) but doesn't huge advantage of anything.

That really sounds like it would work.

It all makes sense to me...

Just stack up some Str or Attack to try and make up for the lack of it from BAB/Flurry.

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2nix8?Zen-and-the-Art-of-Monk-Maintenance-A-Gui de

Pretty good guide to Zen Archer too btw.

https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7b8EGfd1Lu3MTNiMjIyMjUtOWVkYS00ODEyLTkwMTA tMTI3Yjk1MTFkNDFk/edit?hl=en_US
Edit: Revel's Guide -----^

This is the best and more agreeable one that I've seen. It'll really help you chisel a monk, and maybe even help you sand off those rough edges.

Treantmonk's guide is OKAY, but it seems to be greatly aimed towards Grapple Monk(Tetori)

I can tell you this, monk's are not the best damage dealers. Most builds take up to 4 levels of Monk(MoMS from what I've seen) and go full on fighter the rest of the way. I've also seen a recent Druid10/Monk10 build that focuses on 12d8 unarmed damage, supposedly doing 96d8 damage on a charge. Anyways:

Personally I see monks as a Controller class - I'm not one for a seriously boring damage class anyways, no matter how well it gets the job done. They've great style, style feats, seriously weird and awesome abilities like Stunning Fist(In which a Normal Monk can change his stunning fist to actually Paralyze eventually), Quivering Palm(instant death if they don't survive the save), and Touch of Serenity(Makes them completely unable to attack), and Scorpion Style(reduces opponents speed to 5 for Wis Mod of rounds, no 5foot steps allowed, pretty brutal). When it comes to physical combat, they're more of a jack of all trades/rarities. Also they're really handy when it comes to combat maneuvers and defense in both AC and CMD. Squirrely little things they are.

I can't recommend an optimization for you... since most of them are relatively boring and there really are only a few ways to do it.

Quantum Steve wrote:
Drakkiel wrote:

If your argument is that ALL means something other than your BAB given attacks then at your table what does it mean?

It means ALL the attacks you can make.

If a 20th level Monk were to declare "I'm making all of my attacks with my +1 Speed temple sword and I'm using a Ki point" how many attacks would you expect him to make?

I'm betting the answer isn't 4.

I would assume 9 if he were Flurrying.

It needs to be changed to a +10...

2d8 Medium -> 4d8 Large -> 6d8 Huge -> Xd8 Gargantuan -> Xd8 Colossal

Base of 2d8 as an IUS Monk + Enlarge + Hands of Stone + Strong Jaw ----

What would the last two damage modifiers be?

Not that I will necessarily take this route(I'd hate to give up Abundant Step + Dimensional Dervish/Savant) but it's an option if I really want to roll dozens of dice for each hit XD

Edit: Actually this doesn't seem possible. I would have to be level 7 as a Druid before I could cast the level 4 spell of Strong Jaw. :T

We are reaching 20 maximum in our campaign.

I assume level 4 is the earliest one can acquire Strong Jaw as a Druid correct? Can a Ranger acquire the same spell? I noticed that Ranger was listed in the spell description.

I'm building that right now to see if it appeals to me. It's a good idea at first glance! Thanks for pointing out the Flurry David. That helps a lot. I'm being as hopeful as possible! :)

Thanks David!

Entilzha wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:

The Permanency option is going to be a bad idea in the long run, as Dispell will waste all the cash to pay for it. Bodywraps are an option, but they really do suck as they can only affect two or three attacks per round for the lift of your character. Their only bonus is the fact if you use them, you can have +12 on your unarmed strike, as you can have +7 from the wraps and +5 from the amulet.

If only Magic Fang was a Qinggong Ki Power.

Body Wraps of Mighty Striking and Amulet of Mighty Fists both provide an enhancement bonus, and thus would not stack. What *would* stack is if you had something like a +5 Body Wrap of Mighty Striking and a Flaming Frost Holy Amulet of Mighty Fists.

As for having Greater Magic Fang getting dispelled, well, it's still an option if maybe not all that fantastic. :)

EDIT: This is why I try not to build an unarmed monk. You just waste too much resources to do it under the current rules. I'd rather just use a magic monk weapon instead. Cost to benefit ratio, currently the monk weapon is more beneficial.

It sounds like that's the only way to go about it.

Imbicatus wrote:
Entilzha wrote:

Body Wraps of Mighty Striking and Amulet of Mighty Fists both provide an enhancement bonus, and thus would not stack. What *would* stack is if you had something like a +5 Body Wrap of Mighty Striking and a Flaming Frost Holy Amulet of Mighty Fists.
That was what I was saying. In fact, you could have a +5 Corrosive Shocking Body Wrap of Mighty Striking and an Agile Flaming Frost Holy Amulet of Mighty Fists if you wanted.

Sounds like this is what I must do!

Thanks guys! I'll see if there is something I can do with this guy...

Or rather, I would be a Large character with Enlarge, and my damage would be Huge sized at 6d8 if that clears it up. I was wondering if there is anything else that would count my damage as a bigger size.

The only problem with cutting back 5 levels is it would mess with the prestige and regular monk class, and lose a couple extra flurry attacks in the longrun.

So I guess my only option is to convince my DM to rule that AoMF as a +10?

That or suck it up...

Edit: Or convince him to let me use Brass Knuckles as a way to "enhance/enchant" my IUS.

Aaaahhh. Very cool! I didn't know that belt existed. Kudos on your build sir.

What spells or abilities are available(potentially) to a Monk in regards to increase his Size or Size in terms of Damage? aka Lead Blades or Strong Jaw.

Currently I'm taking 13 levels of Monk and 7 levels of Brother of the Seal. With Enlarge I'll be up at 6d8. Is there was a way to count my Unarmed damage as higher than Huge(6d8)?

I'm a little confused... if you're going 10 levels of Monk, how are you reaching 2d10 damage initially? Only a level 20 Monk can get that I thought.

As a Qinggong/Normal Monk, I'm a little concerned in regards to bypassing DR(typed) and still having decent +attack.

I know the Amulet of Mighty Fists only goes to +5 and that really stinks as most characters easily acquire a +10 on their weapon(s).

I was thinking the AoMF was a +10 at first and I was going to get +5 to attack/damage then Agile, Furyborn, and Corrosive Burst. Now it seems I can't...

Is there any method or round-about way to get the benefits of a normal class in regards to +10 weapons as an Improved Unarmed Strike Monk?

modicasolis wrote:

Kazumetsa, RJ Grady, what would y'all suggest?

Because being able to dish out a buttload of damage isn't that important to me, but feeling like I have a definite role and feeling effective in that role is. Let me give you guys more info on the campaign as it stands and on the party.

Recently, we've been facing huge numbers of smaller monsters that are easy to kill. Prior to that, though, we were facing small groups of enemies that were fairly easy to kill, but usually came attached with a very strong boss-type.

Our Gunslinger does tremendous damage, absolutely tremendous damage. As does our Barbarian, who routinely cleaves two, three, four monsters in half. The Inquisitor of the group does pretty solid ranged damage and is getting stronger, but offers little in terms of buffs and support for the group. Same for our Rogue. The Wizard has a lot of crowd control/mass damage abilities. And our Cleric/Oracle takes care of the healing and does some (very) minor buffing. So what we are missing most is a tank character and a support/buffing character, which is the role I'd like to fill.

I'm not really keen on playing a straight up melee character because that, to me, is pretty boring. Looking at the list of archetypes right now, none really appeal because of the tradeoffs. Maneuver Master and Sensei (if only it kept Fast Movement; I really want that Diplomacy) are the only ones I like the sound of (Qinggong is, of course, a given). Just running up to dudes and flurrying is boring, especially compared to when I had my Bard going tossing around Pyrotechnics, Saving Finale, Good Hope, etc. It made me feel a lot more useful and a lot more fun.

Keep Psion's build in mind.

Qinggong is a nice way to customize your Monk and it easily pairs with Ki Mystic. True Strike, Bark Skin, Ki Leech, Cold Ice Strike and a few others come into great use. Personally I'd go Qinggong and combine it with yet another Archetype of your desire and really change up what skills he has. A Monk is more of a Controller of the battlefield more than anything. I mean comeon... eventually you get like 24+ uses of Stunning Fist a day. Put it to use! Then quivering palm... and you can always pick up Touch of Serenity as a Feat to basically disable an opponent. Same with your awesome CMB/CMD and Fast Movement. Run around in a specific Style(look at style feats, panther, snake, dragon, and tiger seem to be the most popular) and disarm everyone, trip them, kick em in the d***, whatever!

Also, here is my build. It's all about disarming, tripping, stunning, flurrying, and attacks of opportunity. Straight up DBZ style at some point :P I'm tempted to give him Krillen's personality since I can do the voice so well. He's 13 Qinggong 7 Brother of the Seal. The only thing I wish I had was Touch of Serenity... but I just don't have enough Feat slots.

Level 1
Class Ability: Stunning Fist, Flurry of Blows, Improved Unarmed Strike
Feat: Weapon Focus
Bonus Feat: Dodge
Level 2
Class Ability: Evasion
Bonus Feat: Combat Reflexes
Level 3
Class Ability: Fast Movement, Maneuver Training, Still Mind
Feat: Weapon Finesse
Level 4
Class Ability: Ki Pool(magic), Bark Skin
Level 5
Class Ability: Purity of Body, Ki Stand
Feat: Snake Style
Level 6
Class Ability: Slow Fall 30
Bonus Feat: Improved Trip
Level 7
Class Ability: True Strike
Feat: Snake Sidewind
Level 8
Class Ability: Slow Fall 40
Level 9
Class Ability: Improved Evasion
Feat: Snake Fang
Level 10
Class Ability: Ki Pool(lawful) Slow Fall 50
Bonus Feat: Improved Critical
Level 11
Class Ability: Diamond Body
Feat: Vicious Stomp
Level 12
Class Ability: Slow Fall 60, Abundant Step
Level 13
Class Ability: Ki Leech
Feat: Dimensional Agility
Level 14
Class Ability: Unarmed Combat, Water Splitting Stone
Bonus Feat: Medusa’s Wrath
Level 15
Class Ability: Gatekeeper, Trapfinding
Feat: Dimensional Assault
Level 16
Class Ability: Runefinding
Level 17
Class Ability: Awesome Blow
Feat: Dimensional Dervish
Level 18
Class Ability: Unsealing
Bonus Feat: Scorpion Style
Level 19
Class Ability: Domino Strike
Feat: Dimensional Savant
Level 20
Class Ability: Hands of Stone

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Weapon Finesse and an Agile AoMF, combined with an Urban Barbarian dip.

Sounds like a delicious salsa to dunk my tostitos in. XD

Oh Pfft. Okay. I'll just switch them. I forgot about the BAB +1 requirement on that haha.

Yaaay. Thanks! I'm excited! He'll basically be a giant Oozaru flashing in and out of existence pummeling his foes! I just hope my DM can houserule the amulet of mighty fists(when or if i get it) to be a +10 instead of a bs +5 :T The good news is that he is allowing me to prestige! Huge fist damage here I come :D

Sounds very cool :3 Purely unarmed? Str and Dragon Style. You're going to beast it! :)

Either what Imbicatus said(I'd recommend Qinggong(it's like the build-a-bear of Monks) or a different archetype, you can always trip well as a Monk regardless of most archetypes), or I say go with a Magus. It's a very fine hybrid of melee and magic. They're a lot of fun all around.

If you want damage and hitting capabilities as the current monk you are, I suggest going the route of Stunning, Tripping, and Disarming(mostly disarming to reduce potential damage done to you and others) whilst including the ability to Flurry. Power Attack and Stunning Assault would be super useful for you at some point too. The more stuns the better. Nothing says teamwork like stunlock/triplock!

Any suggestions? He'll be primarily a trip, flurry, stun, AoO Monk. It seems like a good route to go. If the Prestige is listed, that's a "maybe" swap... since I still do not know if my DM will allow it after saying we are playing strict pathfinder with no 3rd party stuff.

Level 1
Class Ability: Stunning Fist, Flurry of Blows, Improved Unarmed Strike
Feat: Weapon Focus
Bonus Feat: Dodge
Level 2
Class Ability: Evasion
Bonus Feat: Combat Reflexes
Level 3
Class Ability: Fast Movement, Maneuver Training, Still Mind
Feat: Weapon Finesse
Level 4
Class Ability: Ki Pool(magic), Bark Skin
Level 5
Class Ability: Purity of Body, Ki Stand
Feat: Snake Style
Level 6
Class Ability: Slow Fall 30
Bonus Feat: Improved Trip
Level 7
Class Ability: True Strike
Feat: Snake Sidewind
Level 8
Class Ability: Slow Fall 40
Level 9
Class Ability: Improved Evasion
Feat: Snake Fang
Level 10
Class Ability: Ki Pool(lawful) Slow Fall 50
Bonus Feat: Improved Critical
Level 11
Class Ability: Diamond Body
Feat: Vicious Stomp
Level 12
Class Ability: Slow Fall 60, Abundant Step
Level 13
Class Ability: Ki Leech
Feat: Dimensional Agility
Level 14
Class Ability: Slow Fall 70(Prestige: Brother of the Seal -> Unarmed Combat, Water Splitting Stone)
Bonus Feat: Medusa’s Wrath
Level 15
Class Ability: Quivering Palm(Prestige: Brother of the Seal -> Gatekeeper, Trapfinding)
Feat: Dimensional Assault
Level 16
Class Ability: Ki Pool(adamantite), Slow Fall 80(Prestige: Brother of the Seal -> Runefinding)
Level 17
Class Ability: Cold Ice Strike, Ki Shout(Prestige: Brother of the Seal -> Awesome Blow)
Feat: Dimensional Dervish
Level 18
Class Ability: Slow Fall 90(Prestige: Brother of the Seal -> Unsealing)
Bonus Feat: Scorpion Style
Level 19
Class Ability: Battlemind Link(Prestige: Brother of the Seal -> Domino Strike)
Feat: Dimensional Savant
Level 20
Class Ability: Perfect Self, Slow Fall Infinite(Prestige: Brother of the Seal -> Hands of Stone)

Most desired Equipment:
• Amulet of Mighty Fists *****
• Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes ****
• Belt of Incredible Dexterity ***
• ?????? ****
• Truesight Goggles **
• Boots of Speed ****
• Deliquescent Gloves **
• Halo of Menace ***
• Headband of Inspired Wisdom ***
• Juggernaut’s Pauldrons ****
• Bracers of Sworn Vengeance **
• Pale Green Prism Ioun Stone +1 Attack ****

Most desired Enchantments:
• Cat’s Grace spell via +4 Dex
• Prayer spell via Cleric +1 Attack to all
• Lord’s Banner of Victory +2 Attack
• Agile on Amulet of Mighty Fists –> Dex mod added to dam rolls
• Corrosive Burst on AoMF –> 1d6 acid and 1d10 acid on crit
• Designating, Greater on Shuriken -> +4 morale bonus on attack rolls and +6 morale bonus on damage for melee on struck target for 1 round
• Furyborn on AoMF -> Each time wielder damages opponent, enhancement bonus increases by +1 for that target to max of +5

Revel wrote:

All right, I’ve been working on this for some time now and I think it’s ready for a critique but first a little background.

Some time back I decided I wanted to try my hand at making a guide and since I enjoy playing monks it seemed like the logical choice. While I have quite a bit of experience playing monks please keep in mind two things. First, the game I normally run has house rules so I my have forgotten something or be taking something for granted so if you see something that isn’t RAW please point it out to me. I think (or hope) I have made few, if any, mistakes of this kind but it’s hard for me to be 100% certain.

Second, while I’ve played a lot of monks I haven’t played them all so a few of my assumptions about a feat, ability or such may be off. If you think I’m wrong feel free to state your case and I’ll look it over and possibly change things if I feel the points made are sound. Of course being my guide I’ll ultimately go with what I believe to be the case but I’d like to think I’m open minded and will give other opinions fair consideration :)

Umm… one last thing, as anyone clicking the link will soon learn the guide kind of got away from me. I meant to do an up to date guide through Ultimate Magic and it was already getting a little longer then intended when Ultimate Combat came out and with all the nice feats and archetypes for monks I naturally had to read, evaluate, try out, and include that material as well. So ya, it grew well beyond what I had originally intended.

In any case I’ll be back to read comments etc and eventually update my guide but between work, school, and life it may take me a while to be able to update everything depending on just what needs done.

Anyway here’s the link, hopefully this works, as it’s the first time I’ve used google docs.

Revel's Guide to the Monk

Went through your entire guide, excellent dude. This is something all Monk's need to see. I can't believe you took the time to write all of that. Your dedication is quite admirable, and greatly appreciated.

Suggestions: I'd personally count True Strike and Cold Ice Strike as Greens. 15d6 as a swift action, hitting multiple targets, combined fairly well with Flurry! True Strike with quicken spell bla bla, could make a swift action and land a definite stunning fist before a set of flurries.

I would also add Bodywrap of the Monk next to Monk's Robe and put it as a green or blue. It'll give a +7 attack boost to 4 attacks of the users choice per turn. I'd also note that "Normally" the MOnk's Robe is borderline useless after level 16, and especially if you max out at 20.

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I bet a lot of you are severely underestimating a well built fighter built to fight with a composite longbow. The number of attacks alone is going to push him ahead of a lot of other DPR builds.

Wouldn't a Monk Zen Archer out-damage a fighter with the composite longbow?

Good idea Dabbler. That never occurred to me. Vicious Stomp can indeed wait a little while.
It's so scary to leave out Toughness :(
I was debating it actually... teleporting to and from attacking in between. Dimensional Dervish I think it was? 3 feats in...

Gargs, I forgot all about weapon focus... and some bonus to my fort save wouldn't hurt hahaha. I would go for exotic weapons but honestly the Kama is probably all I'd need. I wish the Swordbreaker Dagger was a "Light Weapon" in the exotic section. Wish it was Monk too so I could flurry..

Awesome ideas guys! Thank you. I can't wait to see other posts!

What are 2 pretty good feats I could use as a Qinggong Monk?

I'm all about flurrying, tripping, and op attacks for the most part.

Feats I'm looking at acquiring already(level 3 atm):
Level 1
Feat: Toughness
Bonus Feat: Dodge
Level 2
Bonus Feat: Combat Reflexes
Level 3
Feat: Weapon Finesse
Level 4
Level 5
Feat: Vicious Stomp
Level 6
Bonus Feat: Improved Trip
Level 7
Feat: Snake Style
Level 8
Level 9
Feat: Snake Sidewind
Level 10
Bonus Feat: Improved Critical
Level 11
Feat: Snake Fang
Level 12
Level 13
Feat: Touch of Serenity
Level 14
Bonus Feat: Medusa’s Wrath
Level 15
Feat: Quicken Spell-like Ability
Level 16
Level 17
Feat: ????
Level 18
Bonus Feat: Deflect Arrows
Level 19
Feat: ????
Level 20

He's running Rise of the Runelords if that means anything.

Lol. Thanks Guys.

I'm guessing it doesn't qualify as "Strict Pathfinder" like my DM says we're doing?

Is Brother of the Seal truly strict Pathfinder?

I can't seem to locate it anywhere within - http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/classes/monk.html#_monk or through the left hand columns or search.

Ooooh I see! I did not know about these.

Very cool! :3 Thank you again all

This information is perfectly conveyed. THanks a ton! It's making much more sense to me now.

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