
Kaztor Firebeard's page

430 posts. Organized Play character for Gerald.


Male Paladin 3 (Torag) | HP 34/34 | AC 19/10/19| F+8,R+3,W+7 (+2 to poison, spell, SLA |


Init+0, Perc+1(+3 v stonework) | Speed 20 | Darkvision 60’ | CMD 15 (19 v trip and bullrush if on the ground) | Temp:

About Kaztor Firebeard

Kaztor Firebeard
Male Dwarven Paladin 3
Lawful Good worshipper of Torag

PFS #12445-28
xp 8; Fame/PP 13
Current PP: 10

Init. +0; Perception +1 (+3 vs unusual stonework)

AC 19 (10 + 8 armor + 0 Dex + 1 Shield) Touch 10, Flat Footed 19
HP: 34/34 (3d10 + 9 Con + 3 Favored Class)
Fort: +8, Ref: +3, Will +7
*+2 v poison, spells, or SLAs
Speed 20’

Melee: +7 Masterwork Cold Iron Warhammer 1d8+2 (x3), or
+5 Alchemical Silver Battleaxe 1d8+1 (x3),

Ranged: +3 Javelin, 1d6+2(x2), 30’
STR 15, DEX 11, CON 16, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 13

BAB: +3; CMB: +5; CMD: 15 (+19 v bullrush and trip if on the ground)

1. Power Attack
3. Weapon Focus Warhammer

Indomitable Faith: Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.
Anatomist: Benefit: +1 on rolls to confirm critical threats.

Skills: 6 ranks total (2/level)

Diplomacy +6 (2 rank + 1 Cha + 3 Class)
Know. Religion +4 (1 rank + 0 Int + 3 Class)
Sense Motive +7 (3 ranks + 1 Wis + 3 Class)

Languages: Common, Dwarven

Class Abilities:
*Aura of Good
*Detect Evil
*Smite Evil 1/day: Add Cha mod to attack and class level to damage.
*Divine grace: + Cha bonus to all saves.
*Lay on Hands: x2/day for 1d6 damage and heal sickened condition.
*Aura of Courage: immune to fear. Each ally within 10’ gains +4 to saves vs fear.
*Divine Health: immune to all disease, magical and supernatural.
*Mercy: sickened.

Racial Abilities:
*Base speed 20’.
*+4 to AC v giants
*+2 racial bonus on poison, spells, and SLAs.
*+4 to bulrush and trip if on the ground.
*+2 on appraise if precious metals or gemstones.
*+2 on perception vs unusual stonework.
*darkvision 60’
*+1 on attacks versus orcs and goblins.

Wealth: 80.3gold plus 1398 gold plus 260 gold plus 1186 gold.


Cloak of Protection +1, 1000 gold
Wand of Cure Light Wounds x35, 2 PP
Oil of Magic Weapon (x2), 100 gold
Oil or Bless Weapon, 100 gold
Wayfinder, 1 PP
Half plate, 600 gold
Light steel shield, 9 gold

Masterwork Cold Iron Warhammer, 324 gold
Alchemical Silver Battleaxe, 100gold
Javelin (x3), 3 gold

Traveler's Outfit, free
Backpack, 5 sp
Waterskin, 5 sp.
Belt Pouch, 1 gp
3 day's rations, 1.5 gp
Bedroll, 1 sp.
Sack (empty), 1 sp.
Sunrods (x2), 4 gold
Flask of Acid (x2), 20 gold
Hemp rope, 1 gold
Wood holy symbol of Torag, 1 gold
Holy water (x2), 50 gold
Alchemist’s Fire (x2), 40 gold

Scenarios completed:
1. 6-10 The Wounded Wisp (1 xp, 2 PP, 430 gold)
2. The Confirmation (1 xp, 2 PP, 430 gold)
3. Master of the Fallen Fortress (1 xp, 1 PP, 479 gold)
4. Module: The Godsmouth Heresy (3 xp, 4 pp, 1398 gold)
5. 9-05 The Copper Gate (1 xp, 2 PP, 1260 gold)
6. 3-21 The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment (1 xp, 2 PP, 1186 gold)

Boons Received:
(The Wounded Wisp)
1. Explore, Report, Cooperate
2. USED BOON Prized Find.
(The Confirmation)
3. Confirmed Field Agent
4. Explore, Report, Cooperate
5. Friend of Janira Gavix
(The Godsmouth Heresy)
6. Pharasma’s Blessing: one time you can immediately reroll an attack or a saving throw versus an undead creature but you have to take the second roll.
(The Copper Gate)
7. Wary of Space- your brush with the Dark Tapestry has made you paranoid. Twice, you can use this boon to add a +2 bonus to a saving throw against an effect created by an aberration or
Creature from the Dark Tapestry. You can add the bonus after the save is rolled but before the result is announced.