Dwarven Rager

Kazmuk Hammerstriker's page

6 posts. Alias of Mokshai.


yes, waitlist me please. cameos no thanks.

I will update myself with the Trait "I hate dragons" if I am selected.

Good Luck all.

I don't know. . . the dragon saying LUNCH. :)

Taking I hate dragons.

Will have to update in a little bit. But I can work with the change. :)

Funny thing, Somehow I changed from a dwarf to a human. in that list up a few posts.
Nope, I am staying dwarf, and not going human. :)

For your consideration.
Kazmuk Hammerstriker


Male Dwarf Cleric 1
LN Medium Humanoid
Speed 20 ft
STR 14 DEX 11 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 17 CHA 8


Space 5 Reach 5
2 Handed Melee
Longspear +2 (1d8+3) Crit x3 Piercing
Battleaxe +2 (1d8+3) Crit x3 Slashing
Heavy Pick +2 (1d6+3) Crit x4 Piercing
Warhammer +2 (1d8+3) Crit x3 Bludgeoning

1 Handed Melee
Battleaxe +2 (1d8+2) Crit x3 Slashing
Heavy Pick +2 (1d6+2) Crit x4 Piercing
Warhammer +2 (1d8+2) Crit x3 Bludgeoning
Dagger +2 (1d4+2) Crit x2 Piercing/Slashing

Sling +0 (1d4+2) Crit x2 Bludgeoning


AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+4 vs Giant)
hp 10
Fort 5, Reflex 1, Will 6 (+4 vs Spell/Spell Like Ability +3 vs Poison)
CMD 12


Acrobatics -6
Appraise 2
Bluff -1
Climb -4
Craft (Weapons) 6
Diplomacy -1
Disguise -1
Escape Artist -6
Fly -6
Handle Animal 0
Heal 7
Intimidate -1
Knowledge (arcana) 2 – Untrained
Knowledge (engineering) 6
Knowledge (history) 2 – Untrained
Knowledge (nobility) 2 – Untrained
Knowledge (planes) 2 – Untrained
Knowledge (religion) 6
Linguistics 2
Perception 4
Ride -6
Sense Motive 3
Spellcraft 6
Stealth -6
Survival 3
Swim -4



Gear and Equipment:

Scale Mail


Heavy Pick

10 Sling Bullets

Adventuring Gear:
Cleric's Kit – Has the following:
Belt Pouch
Candles (10)
Cheap Holy Text
Flint and Steel
Iron Pot
Mess Kit
50’ Hemp Rope
Soap – 1lb Bar
Spell Component Pouch
Torches (10)
Trail Rations (5)
Wooden Holy Symbol

Dungeoneering Kit-Has the following
Candles (2)
Pitons (4)
50’ Hemp Rope
Hooded Lantern
5 Flasks Oil
2 Sacks
Torches (2)
Tindertwigs (4)

Fishing Kit – Contains
Fishing Pole (Missing from Core)
Fishing Tackle (Hooks, Sinkers, Floats, and Lures)

Grappling Hook

Grooming Kit -Contains
Nail file
Miniature Mirror
Chewing Stick
Tooth Powder
String or twine (50 ft.)

Gear Maintenance Kit- Contains
Metal Polish
Small File
Leather Paring Knife
Leather Conditioning Oil
Soft Cloths (2)
Extra Leather Straps
Sewing Needle
Spare Buttons


Sling Bullets x 10
Trail Rations x 5
Oil Flasks x5
Candles x 10
Torches x 12
Pitons x 4
Tindertwigs x 4



Gems / Jewels


Type (CRB 21): You are a humanoid with the dwarf subtype.

Slow and Steady (CRB 21): You have a base speed of 20 feet, but your speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.

Darkvision (CRB 21): You have darkvision with a range of 60ft.

Defensive Training (CRB 21): You gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.

Greed (CRB 21): You receive a +2 racial bonus on Appraise skill checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.

Hatred (CRB 21): You receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.

Hardy (CRB 21): You receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.

Stability (CRB 21): You receive a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.

Stonecunning (CRB 21): You receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. You receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not you are actively looking.

Weapon Familiarity (CRB 21): You are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.

Glory of Old (DoG 11): You receive a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and poison.

Warsmith (DoG 10): You gain a +1 trait bonus to damage rolls against creatures and objects made primarily of clay, crystal, earth, metal, or stone. Knowledge (engineering) is a class skill* for you.

Class Features:

Armor and Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in Light and Medium Armor. You are proficient with shields (excluding tower shields.)

Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple weapons. Additionally you are proficient with the following weapons: Battleaxe; Heavy Pick; Warhammer

Aura (Core 39): A cleric of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura corresponding to the deity’s alignment.

Favored Weapon (Core 39): You gain proficiency with the favored weapon of your deity (Warhammer)

Channel Energy (Su) (Core 40): You can release a wave of positive energy which either heals 1d6 of damage to living creatures or damages undead creatures (Will Save DC 9) You can use this ability 2 times a day.

Spontaneous Casting (Core 41): You can lose any prepared spell that is not a orison or domain spell in order to cast a cure spell of the same spell level or lower.

Domain Powers: You gain the following domain powers:
• Resistance Bonus (Core 46): You receive a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws.
• Resistant Touch (Core 46): 6 times per day, you can touch an ally to transfer your domain's Resistance Bonus to them for 1 minute.

• Acid Dart (Core 43): As a standard action, you can unleash an acid dart targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack (1d6+0). You can use this ability 6 times per day.


Steel Soul (APG 170) You receive a +4 Racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell like abilities. This replaces the normal bonus from the dwarfs hardy trait.


Kazmuk was born in the poorer sections of the general craftsmen in Rolgimmdur.
At a young age, his family regaled him with stories of the reconquest of Rolgimmdur by their ancestors.
He took those stories to heart, and tried to persevere and excel and thus draw the attention of the ancestors in the basic training that all dwarfs of the city undergo.

Shortly after the basic training, he began to feel a different calling, and went to one of the cathedrals dedicated to Torag to gain some guidance.
The priesthood there began with some small tasks that he completed with both zeal and vigor. So they began to challenge him.
Soon after the training began, he began the ability to manifest spells. The senior clerics began giving him more and more responsibilities and they began to oversee the guidance that he began to give out, in an attempt to groom him for more and more responsibility.

After a couple of years, Young Kazmuk had a vision that he had to travel to Belheim.
He joined up with a patrol that was headed to Highhelm, where he met up with a caravan bound for Belheim.
The trip proved to be both boring and sobering to the young dwarf, as he experienced the wonders of some of the human lands outside the confines of both his church and his city where he lived.

A few months passed and his ardour cooled, but he finally arrived at Belheim, hoping to figure out why Torag sent him to this town.