
Kazmuk Flintlock's page

7 posts. Organized Play character for betterwatchit.

Full Name

Kazmuk Flintlock


Dwarf (Strong Blooded)


Gunslinger (Pistolero) 4 with Pathfinder Agent Dedication







Special Abilities

Raconteur's Reload, Ten Paces, Darkvision


Lawful Neutral




Alkenstar, Impossible Lands


Common, Dwarven, Gnomish


Gunsmith, now Pathfinder

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 14
Charisma 12

About Kazmuk Flintlock

Class DC: Gunslinger Class DC 19 (Trained)

Acrobatics +7 Untrained
Arcana +7 Trained
Athletics +6 Trained
Crafting +9 Expert
Deception +5 Untrained
Diplomacy +7 Trained
Intimidation +7 Trained
PFS Lore +7 Trained
Engineering Lore +7 Trained
Medicine +6 Untrained
Nature +6 Untrained
Occultism +5 Untrained
Performance +5 Untrained
Religion +6 Untrained
Society +7 Trained
Stealth +9 Trained
Survival +8 Trained
Thievery +7 Untrained

AC: 20 (including Leather Armour)
Hit Points: 50
Perception: +10 (Expert) with Darkvision

Initiative +4 (+2 from Incredible Initiative and +2 from Ten Paces)

Fortitude: +10 Expert
Reflex: +11 Expert
Will: +10 Expert

Bayonet: 1d4 P +8 Trained (Agile, Attached, Finesse)
Dagger: 1d4 P +8 Trained (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S)
+1 Striking Clan Pistol (GNG): 2d6+1 B/P +11 Expert (Uncommon, Concussive, Dwarf, Fatal D10, Range 80 ft.)

Gunslinger is from Guns and Gears. Clan Pistol is accessed via Clan Pistol feat.

Ancestry Feats: Strong-Blooded, Clan Pistol (GNG)
General Feat: Incredible Initiative
Skill Feats: Dead Reckoning, Quick Repair
Class Feats: Ten Paces, Way of the Pistolero (Intimidation), Munitions Crafter, Pathfinder Agent Dedication, Warning Shot
Bonus Feats: Alchemical Crafting

Special Actions:

Ten Paces (GNG 109)
Free Action
Trait: Gunslinger
Trigger: Rolling for Initiative
+2 bonus to Initiative and can Interact to draw a one-handed crossbow or firearm. As first action on his first turn, Kazmuk can Step up to 10 feet as a Free Action.

Raconteur's Reload (GNG 109)
1 Action
Trait: Gunslinger
Interact to simultaneously reload and attempt Intimidation check to Demoralise.

Warning Shot (GNG 112)
1 Action
Trait: Gunslinger
Attempt Intimidation check to Demoralise by firing a gun into the air, using the firearm's maximum range. This check doesn't take a -4 penalty if the target doesn't share a language with you.

Leather Armour
Black Powder Horn
Firearm Cleaning Kit
10 Firearm Bullets
Repair Kit

Bulk 2.3

Money: 113 GP

Boons: Convention Hero (Starts with extra Hero Point if playing at a convention), Inherited Wayfinder, Storied Talent (Can Earn Income on tasks equal to his level). Has access to Hydrocannon transferred from Aratess (2361010-2003)

Previously Completed Scenarios : 01-13, 03-02, 04-05, 04-12, 04-13. 04-99, Fistful of Flowers, 05-02, 05-05, 05-14, 05-17