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Kayn's page

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Hello all,

I was noticing another thread ([Think-Tank]Beta Classes) and got to thinking about rage points, ki points, and points like that in general. I was going to post there, but since this idea is only about points, I thought it best to start a new thread.

Ok, so first of all, I think point based abilities are great in that they allow a great deal of flexibility for a character and help to differentiate members of the same class. However, as many have pointed out, the problem comes in with "alpha attacks" and "shooting the moon" and all of the other phrases that means the character is likely to spend all his points in the first fight of the day, leaving him dead weight until he can rest. Well, there really is a simple solution to this. The simple solution is don't require a rest to recharge the points. Require something else.

For instance, barbarians use rage. Why do they get so angry by getting a good night's sleep? Wouldn't it make more sense if they could gain rage points by enduring things that make them angry? Failing rolls, or being taunted, or taking damage, or something that makes them angry. Then they wouldn't have to worry about spending all their rage points in one fight and being too darn chipper for the rest of the day.

Another example might be ki points. Now here resting does make sense as the monk meditating is a perfect image. However, even here there are some alternatives (or additions) that could be used. Going through ritual cleansing, or performing a specific kata, or a drunken master gaining ki by downing booze (hrm...interesting feat idea). Yes, all of these things could happen during downtime, but they could also, potentially, happen at many other times.

I think having alternate means to restore used points helps to avoid the 15 minute adventuring day as well as further distinguishing point-power based characters from spell-casters.

Just an idea for you all to chew on.
