Baba Yaga

Katya's page

Organized Play Member. 46 posts (59 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Scarab Sages

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I just assumed that Thralls and undead from Summon Undead (and other spells) came from The Void/Negative Energy Plane since they didn't specify needing target bodies.

Scarab Sages

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My party's been playing for a bit and is nearing the end. They faced a near TPK on their first assault on the orc stronghold so they retreated, rested up, and spent time looking for a back entrance.

They made a dent in the orcs on the second assault but got dropped to 3/4 stable and unconscious so the last surrendered. I had them taken as prisoners to be used as test subjects or to join Vilree's band.

They met with Vilree and agreed to simply walk away, then they of course broke that agreement and took off in a run to stop her drudge from destroying the town. They beat the drudge but most of Vilree's servants are still a threat.

SO next session we're doing a Seven Samurai take and having the party ready the town to fend off an invasion of orcs and Vilree's vile alchemical monsters. Should make for an interesting end to the campaign!

Scarab Sages

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In English, there’s also the non-binary “Xe” which could be an option if “They” doesn’t work for you.

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I've actually just told my party in Rise of the Runelords to adjust themselves to WBL 10 since they just hit it and I was feeling like they were behind the curve.

Worst. Mistake. Ever. Where they were once walking through encounters, they are now skipping - nay - flying (literally, celestial armour and flying boots everywhere!). I think the APs actually work better if the PCs are behind the curve then when they are on it.