Madame Ivanja

Katy_Thrace's page

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I have rapid shot and manyshot and am level six. Do i get four shots?

So i have rapid fire and manyshot, and im aware they can be used together. Can vital strike be added in there too? And can an archer maximize vital strike to be a "heavy hitter"? I know its not the usually archer route, but im exploring the idea.

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Hey all! Been awhile since I posted, but wanted to see some thoughts on my character, from you amazing people! We have been playing a conversion of Pathfinder, a Wheel of Time one here: dont have to learn everything in it to give me advice, it is close to the same as pathfinder in many regards. My main questions are about feat selection for an archery ranger (the woodsman/blight scout achetype if you look it up following that link).

I just hit level six, and i am a level 4 ranger/1 fighter (blight scout 4/armswoman 1). I am deciding on what my next level will be, but my archery feats so far are as follows-with combat style ones included (dont have my sheet with me):

Percise shot
Point blank shot
Rapid fire
Deadly aim
Bull's eye shot

So i am firing two arrows a round, at -0/-4 (first shot bull's eye shot). For ranger builds which is what i am essentially, what are the next best archery feats? Im taking manyshot this level, but where do i go from there?

i have a DM created Two Rivers longbow, with stats that are: 1d8 + str mod, 19-20/x3, 110 ft range. I have an 18 str and a 20 dex (charisma 8, con 10, int and wisdome like 11 & 12 i think). Improved crit is something i want to do with this bow, as well as hae quivers of keen arrows. Is there anything else i should be thinking of?

So i was wondering what people thought about the spy class from the srd site, its in a 3rd party book? What i was thinking in particular, was using it as a template to make something crazy and different than the basic spy, by using all the feats it can select with its spy talents, instead of the special talents it can get like fast stealth, etc (i would still take a few of those too). Seems likei could pick a nodachi, and load up on expanded crit feat and make My dm's day a nightmare. I wss thinking about taking 4 levels of magus(kensai) to be able to maximise my weapon damage or increase crit multiplier, as well as get a few spells to augment my sneaky-melee, but maybe not.

Levels 2-10 lets me pick a combat feat at 2, 4, 6, 8, and level 10 give advanced talent which could give a feat at 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, & 20 (i think). Combined to the feats a character gets at every other level starting at 1, that equals a feat every level...right? Please tell me if im wrong, im rusty with these rules, but that would essentially mean a feat at every level in addition to rhe sneak attack progression and other stuffz the spy gets.

NUMBER ONE thing about this is that i would be flavored other than a spy, more like a special agent, with a big sword haha! What is the best way to get a crazy crit range? A no dachi with keen, improved crit, and...? Is there a way to increase it further? And what would it be, 18-20 -> 16-20 -> 12-20/x2?

Basically want to make a sneaky crit machine, that can infiltrate places but is also extremely charming and likeable. With a giant sword. :)

Anything good to dip with this? Flurry of blows, or the oversized weapon barb to weild the no dachi in one hand? The aforementioned kensai?

My numbers are 18, 16, 16, 14, 13, 12. Thanks if you reply to this!

can i make the extra attacks from these against the same target? also, can i apply sneak attack damage if i have it?

Hey all! I'm new to pathfinder, (but old hat at 3.5 games). the name is katy, nice to meetchu!

we will be starting a game soon, and I want to multiclass 2 of these three classes, the gunslinger, the magus and the ninja. my question to you all is, has anyone done any of these crosses? which seem the coolest, with the most synergistic and viable, which has the best flavor? i dont care too much on super optimization, and i have the numbers to pull off a stretch like gunslinger/magus - 18, 16, 16, 14, 13, 12.

i am going to be a dayborn dhampir, good, and not really sure of her heritage.

any ideas for any of these ideas would be cool to hear, im someone who likes a sound board to bounce ideas off of, and come up with wacky new ideas, as well as finding something that is sweet in a build and focusing on it. love to hear build ideas, or interactions, or anything at all!

thanks, katy