Crystal Cat

KattHunter's page

43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


An anagram for "outer wolrd" is "Lord True Ow". I had to laugh at that one!

I'll start I guess, just cause I find this contest interesting.
Today's submission:
It's a shortened version of Safron. Which was almost my first submission, but then I remembered where I knew that name from. :Þ

Guy Humual wrote:
I've had to tweak here and there of course (no pre-made adventure is going to be perfect for every group) but the Hall of Hash Reflections was almost too much for 5 PCs and 2 NPCs without any modifications!

To be fair that was only 4 PCs and one cohort. The last PC and cohort had to make the "rescue mission".

Tristan Lidu wrote:
“High-ho gruesome away,” he called.

This was atcully role played! Probely the single most funny thing that's been said in game to date.

Actully, Kale hadn't quite leveled as Kensai just yet. I knew he would be at the end of the night, and both I and Kale were feeling presured to get the oath thing out of the way before it was too late. I was really hoping we would be in Farshore for it, but that was a long way off and it needed to be done NOW!

Kale was quite confused at the line. He didn't think anyone would try any hanky panky in such close quarters. In fact the thought of anyone doing that in the party while adventuring didn't cross Kale's mind. I think Kale was more floored that Tristan was so worried about. Kale never did question Tristan's intent on this. He just figured she was worring too much.

I think Guy told me a certain scene is comming up in the next issue. So I'll give the shocking preview!
Kale gets down on one knee before Tristan! Kale purposes?!?! Does Tristan accept? The answer will skock you! Or am I just screwing with ya'll.

Guy Humual wrote:
This worked once with devastating results at the end of ToD. Shortest BBEG battle ever. Didn't hurt that it was an orb spell and there was a confirmed natural 20 thrown into the mix! I'll expand on that later.

This was EPIC!

Not sure if I should spoil anything on alignments yet.......

KattHunter wrote:

Alignment - Lawful Good

Too late. (Quote from page 4)

Guy Humual wrote:
What's Tristan eating this time?

This segment is gonna get better!

First of all Kale's not a very religous person. He felt bad about the dead people, but barely surviving himself and being eaten alive and having to cut yourself out kinda makes one forget about dead people and start thinking about "How am I gonna live?"
Also, Kale loosly follows Bushido. He would only really give honor to the dead warriors.

Guy Humual wrote:
(also Kale was one round away from death when we cut him loose. I had him cut himself free in the story because it makes for better reading but in the actual adventure Kale couldn't quite do it with his belt knife . . . this is one reason I've suggested picking up two weapon fighting and a Wakizashi, one it would be good against multiple low level creatures, two a good light weapon is great to have in these grappling situations (even if you don't use the weapon for 99% of the encounters)).

The major problem with Kale getting two weapon fighting is that he'd have to invest two feats into it. Plus Fred and James both have it!

Bah! It was a breeze!

But that helmet could easily be altered into a wooden bullywog crown! LOL

Guy Humual wrote:
KattHunter wrote:
Guy Humual wrote:
KattHunter wrote:
Hey, Kale didn't dissagree with having another preist on board! In fact he was the only one that didn't fight her on that.

I know, but I'm pretty sure Kale disagreed with Tristan about something in an upcoming entry . . . which is why Kale was left to float while Tristan D-doored the ladies back to the ship (I trust you know what I'm talking about).

Also: I can say without a doubt that we've been playing this game for a year now! It was about this time last year that we started the savage tide, and here we are, one year later, almost half done! Huzzah!

I do remember that argument. Thing is was Kale was right that time and Tristan was just sulking about it. LOL
Nope, wrong argument, I'm talking about the one on the ship before we set out (it's pretty bad when Tristan and Kale have multiple arguments so we're confused as to which fight we're talking about). This was fight was about equipment. Tristan wanted to being something on the expedition and Kale (amongst others) refused. This was the reason we were floating and clinging to drift wood in the first place.

You'll have to remind me of said item tommorrow.

Guy Humual wrote:
KattHunter wrote:
Hey, Kale didn't dissagree with having another preist on board! In fact he was the only one that didn't fight her on that.

I know, but I'm pretty sure Kale disagreed with Tristan about something in an upcoming entry . . . which is why Kale was left to float while Tristan D-doored the ladies back to the ship (I trust you know what I'm talking about).

Also: I can say without a doubt that we've been playing this game for a year now! It was about this time last year that we started the savage tide, and here we are, one year later, almost half done! Huzzah!

I do remember that argument. Thing is was Kale was right that time and Tristan was just sulking about it. LOL

Hey, Kale didn't dissagree with having another preist on board! In fact he was the only one that didn't fight her on that.

Kale didn't understand what was so important about having to see the top of that island. In game Kale asked why Tristan needed to go up there and was promtly told that it was for a spell and zoomed off. Kale just thought she needed to get away from everyone for a while again.

Poor James and his crappy will save. With all those extra Feats he should have taken Iron Will. LOL

I'm afraid I've lost Kale's diaries, and there will be no more posts of them. I know they didn't add much, so I dout they'll be missed. Note to self: Back up hard drives when changing Motherboard, processor, memory and vid card all at once.
I say the mystery meat was parrot, or even worse, Seagull!

Kale's diary entry two:
"Today we fought a hydra! Nasty beast! It was held up in a bay, with a narrow entrance. This is a
stopping point for most sea travelers it seems. There is a fresh water waterfall that drains into the
bay. The hydra was snatching boats that came into the bay. Buffy had a spell that let a bunch of
us walk on water as if it were land. Interesting experience! After we beat the beast, Buffy used a
spell that let us breath underwater! Kiki can breath and swim like a fish even without a spell. So the
underwater looting of the sunken ships was not unusual to her. Tristan had the heart of the hydra
cooked and served at dinner that night. Tristan and Kiki were the only ones I seen eat any of it.
Sometimes I wonder if they're evil. After the atrocity at dinner, I don't think I'll sleep well tonight."
*Crude drawing of a hydra*

Kale's Diary doesn't update until after the hydra attack.

I can release the first entry in Kale's journal, since it's more of a welcome entry and is written the day after the attack.
First entry:

So here I am. Writing in a journal. Something I thought I'd never do. So here I am though, writing
away in a dead man's book. I'm not really sure how these things are really work, but I'm stuck
on a ship with nothing else to do. My companions and I are heading to an island called the Island of
Dread under the employment of Lady Vanderborn. My close companions are Buff, Tristan and Kiki.
Surrounded by women. Who would have known? Buffy is a loyal, bubble headed cleric. Tristan
summons..........things. That's all I have to write about that. She's an odd person. Her morals are
all messed up. She's never given me a reason not to trust her, but I worry about her intentions at
times. Kiki is the fun loving halfling. Even though she hails from Shadowshore (which probably means
she's a thief) she has never given much reason for me to miss trust her. Kiki has shown her loyalty
on many occasions. That's all for today. With how boring this part of the trip has been, I'll have lots
of time to write more tomorrow.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Guy Humual wrote:
So is no one going to speculate on Fred's (possibly seedy) past? We only have one week before the reveal after all . . . and seeing as most of you know next to nothing about his character this is the time to make all sorts of (funny and baseless) accusations!

Fred is a pimp (Leadership and Landlord feats), with tastefully tailored garments in greys, blacks and purples, who takes care of his ladies and has his cohort collecting all the monies. He has a thing for whips and poisons, collects lewd artwork and scams player characters who take Vows of Poverty to funnel thier donations into his bogus orphanage front. As his wealth in town accumulates, he acquires more property, restores the Lotus den to habitable stature and hosts wild nihilistic gatherings. Fred's cohort has a smuggling ring that specializes in rare Amedio Jungle lotus extracts for "recreational purposes".

And when duty calls, Fred is (with a delay disease spell in effect) not afraid to pitch-hit for his high-roller clientel. are you getting advanced copies?????? ;)

Kale Silverthumb
Race - Human
Alignment - Lawful Good
Height - 6'1" Weight 201 lbs.

STR 20 (18 nat)
DEX 16 (14 nat)
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 10

Classes - Fighter 4, Rouge 3, Kensai 4

AC 28

Magic Stuffs

Mithral Shirt +3
Darkwood Shield +1 Animated
Amulet of Natural Armour +3
Ring of Protection +2
Ring of Swimming
Gargoyle Crown
Gloves of Dex +2
Belt of Ogre Power +2
Vest of Resistance +1
Boots of Agile Leaping


Katana +1 nat (+2 signature weapon, haven't had the time to add the other +2, was saving to add holy)
Composite Longbow (Masterwork, Str +3)
Cold Iron Dagger

Feats - Merchant's Tounge, Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Victor's Luck, Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword, Fortuitous Strike, Better Lucky the Good

Languages - Common, Elven, Dwarven

The other thing about writing three times a week would be that you would eventually catch up to where we're playing. Then there'd only be an update once every two weeks (that's how often we play STAP).

Die Tristan die! *stab stab stab* Could this be the end of the Lidu diaries?


Poor Kale.....

So I wrote up all of Kale's diaries last night. Forgot it was a VERY small period of time and Kale doesn't have a large imagination. :) It needs some editing and it's ready for viewing. The players just got the first Lidu diary that corresponds, with Kale's second entry, which is the first story related entry. The first is more of an introduction, which I can most likely post whenever. I won't though. I'll post it with the Lidu before Kale's second entry.

Kale's Diary will start production this week. New monitor means I can look at my screen for more then 5 minutes without getting head aches! Plus my trip to TO is done. :) Posting will only happen when Tristan's diary is on par with Kale's. No spoilers for you guys! I'll be posting it right here in this thread.

*shrug* I only have 15 and up. Thought 15 was the one posted. Oh well.

Ya, Guy was telling us about the anagram last session (which wasn't STAP). I had totally forgot that he had at first jokingly called Hop Toy Dan, Hypno Toad! Was a while ago! I never noticed Hop Toy Dan was an anagram. Though I'm not very good at anagrams.
Next entry is a good one. We get to see some of Fred's background, so stay tunned.
At least I think that it's the next one.....
Edit: Ok I checked, it's not till the entry after. Though so is the line Tristan uses to scare the crew. Sorry fans.

KattHunter wrote:
Well, the players just got entry 12 last night. You guys are in for a good laugh! There's a particular sceane that was writen up pretty close to how it was RPed.

This comment was about the latest Lidu post on this site. Kale's short lived diary starts very soon in the Lidu story line. I haven't got to work on it yet, but I still do have everything down in pencil. It's needs heavy editing!

Talking about what drives Kale. Well he's got the good old love for adventuring. Though as time went on, he felt like he was the person keeping the part from falling to far to the dark side. Kale is often suspicious of Tristan's intent. He trusts her, but sometimes worries she's loosing her mind. At least at this point in the story.
Oh Brent I loved "Company of the Dreaming Wyvern"! It was cleaver enough that Kale wouldn't catch it's hidden meaning. It was my #1. "Swords of Sasserine" was my #3 pick. Sorry I tried Brent. LOL

Tristan Lidu wrote:
‘Insanity!’ burped Hop-Toy.

This line has become a bit famous within the play group. I will quote it from time to time whenever Hoy Toy is mentioned.

*shrug* I thought it was the most entertaining entry to date. All be it a short one.

Well, the players just got entry 12 last night. You guys are in for a good laugh! There's a particular sceane that was writen up pretty close to how it was RPed.

I know I'm not big on E-Mail RP. It takes me too long to type stuff, and I've normally not the time to type stuff up. It would be great to have your own message board. I think that would be the best idea. *shrug* I know my wife (BlackTygra) would be ok with E-mail RP, since she does enough online RP already playing Never Winter Nights online.

These diaries are almost caught up with the ones the players have read. We get to read and proof read them for GuyH.

That was the best in character debate I've ever had. Kale does think very poorly of Tristan's morals for quite sometime afterwards. Even more so when she starts eating hearts. That's all I'll spoil about that though. *wink*

I think if I get the time to write up Kale's short dairy, I'll post it when Tristian's dairy catches up.

Kale Silverthumb. Son of a tailor. Lives in the merchant distrect. Age 17 when the story begains. He has one brother, and both his parents are alive. Kale being the first born son was contantly preasured into tring to learn the trade. Kale was never much for it though. His brother constantly picked up Kale's slack. Kale would noramlly go goof off. He'd always be going off to look in the weapon and armour shops. It's not to say Kale didn't do anything for his family shop. He was quite good at buying and selling (explaining his Merchant feat). Sometime in his early teens, Kale deals with a very odd customer in the family shop. He claims to be a Samurai, and is looking for a very expensive peice of custom clothing. He's dressed in armour and carries a sword. Obviously Kale becomes quite interested in this character. Kales ends up following the guy around, talking with him, learning more about him. The Samurai chracter is only in Sasserine for about two weeks, but Kales learns a fair bit about Samurai (at he thinks so). He begins to emulate Samurai behavour. Starts saving money for a sword and armour. It takes a him a few years but eventually he get them. He soon after get the letter from Lavinia

Guy Humual wrote:
Hey man, great to see you! Could I get you to post Kale's character background? Maybe I could get you to post you're character's impressions of the adventure thus far? It would be nice to have another voice.

Well I'll see what I can do. Maybe I'll get Kale's VERY short lived diary.

I don't really have much to add at this point. I've read all this stuff a while ago, since I'm part of the play group. Just thought I'd add that I'm playing the Kale character.

I took the ultimate plunge. Since I work at a kitchen cabinet company, I have access to lots of hard wood scraps. I desinged a fold out table that sits ontop of my kitchen table. The gamming table sits about 4 inches off the kitchen table. I made the table in such a way that there are grided off 1x1 cherrywood squares seperated by 1/8th maple. The grid is 40x22 squares. The gaps where put there so we could put sticks on the board to map things out. We still use paper for most maps (just place them on top of the gamming table) but for ramdom encounters the gamming table comes in real handy. The other great thing about the table (and possibly the best part about it), is that we can slide our characters and books under the table. We were using the paper grid out of the DM's handbook, but our books and clip boards were getting in the way of using the whole thing. I've got pics on my comp. If anyone wants to see it.