Kath Undoeth's page
369 posts. Organized Play character for Hawktitan.
Full Name |
Kath Undoeth |
Race |
Human Male Swashbuckler (3) |
Classes/Levels |
HPs 31/31, AC 19, FF 15, T 14, CMD 17, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2, Init +5, Per +7 |
About Kath Undoeth
Human Swashbuckler 3
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +7
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 shield, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 31 (3d10+9)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2
Defensive Abilities charmed life
Speed 30 ft., deed: kip-up
Melee +1 rapier +7 (1d6+3+3 Precision/18-20)
mithral dagger +7 (1d4+2+3 Precision/19-20+3)
Special Attacks deed: menacing swordplay, deed: opportune parry and riposte, deed: precise strike, panache
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 19 (19 vs. disarm, 19 vs. steal, 19 vs. sunder)
Feats Combat Casting, Extra Grit[UC], Power Attack
Traits bruising intellect, magical knack
Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +6, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +7, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Perception +7, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +3, Swim +6; Racial Modifiers deed: derring-do
Languages Common, Draconic, Tien
SQ deed: dodging panache, deed: swashbuckler initiative, swashbuckler finesse
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds; Other Gear masterwork chain shirt, buckler, +1 rapier, mithral dagger, backpack, masterwork, Alchemist Fire
Special Abilities
Charmed Life -2 (3/day) (Ex) Choose to add Charisma bonus to save before roll is made.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Deed: Derring-Do (Ex) Spend 1 panache to add 1d6 when making Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check.
Deed: Dodging Panache -2 (Ex) When attacked, spend 1 panache to step 5 ft. and gain -2 to AC vs. attack.
Deed: Kip-Up (Ex) While have 1 panache, stant up from prone as move action w/o AoO, or as swift for 1 panache.
Deed: Menacing Swordplay (Ex) While have 1 panache, demoralize struck opponent as swift action.
Deed: Opportune Parry and Riposte (Ex) 1 panache and 1 AoO to attempt to parry a melee attack, then counterattack.
Deed: Precise Strike +3 (Ex) While have 1 panache, bonus to ak/dmg w/ light/one-hand piercing weaps.
Deed: Swashbuckler Initiative (Ex) While have Panache, can use a free hand to draw a light or one-handed piercing weapon as part of the initiative check.
Magical Knack (Magus) +2 CL for a specific class, to a max of your HD.
Panache (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on light/piercing crit/killing blow.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Swashbuckler Finesse At 1st level, a swashbuckler gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and she can use her Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a prerequisite for Combat Expertise.