Ishani Dhatri

Karl Goldstorm's page

2 posts. Alias of TheSuperDodo.

Full Name

Karl Goldstorm




Cleric 1 (HP: 9/9) (AC:15 FF:13 T:12) (Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +8) (Init: +2) (Perc: +10)








Lawful Neutral




Korvosa, Varisia



Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 11
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 20
Charisma 10

About Karl Goldstorm


Karl Goldstorm
Human Cleric of Abadar 1
Ability Scores: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 10
Perception: +10
Initiative: +2
Languages: Common

AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 13, CMD 13
Saving Throws: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +8
HP: 9

Heavy Crossbow: 1d20 + 2, 1d10
CMB: +1

Feats & Traits
Traits: Framed (Outcast), Eyes and Ears of the City
Feats: Precise Shot, Point-Blank Shot

Acrobatics: 2
Appraise: 0
Bluff: 0
Climb: 1
Craft: 0
Diplomacy: 0
Disguise: 0
Escape Artist: 2
Fly: 2
Heal: 5
Intimidate: 0
Linguistics: 1
Perception: 10 (1 rank)
Profession (Barrister): 9 (1 rank)
Ride: 2
Sense Motive: 9 (1 rank)
Sleight of Hand: 1
Spellcraft: 1
Stealth: 2
Survival: 5
Swim: 1

Heavy Crossbow w/50 bolts; Studded Leather Armor; Clothing (Scholar's); Holy Water (Flask), Typical Holy Text, Silver Holy Symbol, 35gp


As a young kid in North Point, Karl was very interested in the church of Abadar. He'd pass by the Bank everyday, listening to the clerics praying and working.
The most important event of Karl's childhood was when his uncle was tried for tax avoidance. He was ordered to stay at home, but managed to sneak into the court and witness the trial. This was the first time Karl saw law in action, and he was mesmerized. It was at this moment that Karl decided- he will be a lawyer and a cleric of Abadar. His uncle was sentenced to twenty years in jail, but Karl didn't care; if this was justice, let it be done.

Luckily for Karl, his sharp eyes and mind cleared his way into the church. He was accepted as an apprentice under the very judge whose trial made Karl decide to become a cleric of Abadar. He carefully watched the tiniest expressions of witnesses and defendants, training his mind until he could catch even the tiniest gesture, the least significant twitch. And finally, after five years of hard work, Karl was accepted as a judge of Korvosa.

Karl's first trial as a judge was supposedly an easy one. A crook was caught illegally dealing in Shiver; there were eyewitnesses, there was evidence, it was as simple as it gets. And soon enough, the young Varisian was thrown in jail. It was such a good feeling, bringing justice to the life of those who need it.

However, there were some who didn't accept this sentence so easily. When Karl returned home, a note was waiting for him on his front door.
You've dealt with the Lamm. It was nice knowing you, kid.
Terrified and equally confused, Karl went to sleep.

The next morning, when Karl went to court, he wasn't the judge. He was the defendant. Apparently, a key witness from yesterday's trial was found dead last night, and a local fisherman witnessed to having seen Karl murder the man. Karl was suspended from his position as judge, and was placed under church surveillance until his innocence- or guilt- could be proven. After many long days, the fisherman finally confessed that he was blackmailed into delivering a false testimony. Karl was found innocent, but with this stain on his reputation, he couldn't serve as a judge in Korvosa again.

Karl spent the following days trying to find as much information as possible on this "Lamm" from his note, and finally found the needed information in an old court record- Gaedren Lamm, an old and well known criminal, who was never caught or brought to trial. Karl now knew what he has to do.
He took up his crossbow, donned armour and declared his goal- catch the foul scum, bring him to court and make sure justice is brought to all his victims.


Not particularly tall and not particularly handsome, Karl is a typical Chelaxian human. His round, tan face is decorated with a layer of stubble and short, black, unkempt hair, giving him a slightly intimidating yet tired look.
Unlike others who take up arms in the name of their faith, Karl's hands aren't muscular, and his frame is only slightly thicker than others'. However, he compensates for this using a powerful crossbow, and very sharp senses. His olive green eyes capture even the tiniest movement and his wide ears hear even the slightest whisper.
With an eagle's sight and a hero's faith, he has set out to capture the criminal who has wronged him, and maybe clean up some more of Korvosa's underground.