Ugilick's page

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Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild

I need to cancel the subscription for the time being. My group and I will sadly soon part ways and I would rather cherry pick which adventures to buy than purchase two each month.


On the 28th of March as part of my Starfinder Society Subscription I ordered S01E10 and S01E11. These products are not included in My Downloads. Furthermore, I cannot download them from the product description page. The tab shows "Downloads (1)" but there is no link below, only a blank template for "date last downloaded" etc.

The website recognizes that I have made this purchase, showing up in my order history and by notifying me in red text at the top of the product description page.

If there is anymore information you need I will be happy to provide it. Thank you in advance for your help.

-Dallis Q.